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Neither Literate Prestonby, the principal, nor the Pelton boy, who was supposed to be in his office, could be found. The raiders were put to flight by the presence of mind of Literate Martha B. Collins, who pressed the button which turned in the fire alarm, filling the halls with a mob of students. The interlopers fled in panic after being set upon and almost mobbed " Prestonby looked worried.

"Well, I've never been there, but when we get to Pelton I rather guess we can find the inn! Come on, Mops, if you're rested, we'd better get a move on!" Then they trudged on together, finding the way very pleasant, and many things to interest them as they passed along. The road was a public highway, and there were many motor cars and much other traffic.

For the most part, it is the result of the untiring efforts of one man, the dynamic new leader of the Radical-Socialists and their present candidate for the Consolidated States of North America Senate, Chester Pelton, who has transformed that once-moribund party into the vital force it is today.

Stays pretty well tanked up. Hopper tells me he's been making threats to kill Waring on sight." "I heard that and told Waring. He laughed and said he hoped he would live till Pelton killed him. I like Waring. He's got the guts, as his miners say. But he's away off on this fight. He's using money right and left just as Harley is." Yesler nodded. "The whole town's corrupted.

Trustees 1st Ward Charles C. Rogers, Silas Merchant. 2d Ward Ansel Roberts, Peter Diemer. 3d Ward Amos Townsend, J. C. Shields. 4th Ward Maurice B. Clark, Proctor Thayer. 5th Ward William Heisley, Thomas Purcell. 6th Ward John Huntington, Edward Hart. 7th Ward Christopher Weigel, Charles B. Pettingill. 8th Ward William H. Truscott, Joseph Houstain. 9th Ward John Martin, F. W. Pelton. 10th Ward Reuben H. Becker, William Wellhouse. 11th Ward Robert Larnder, Charles E. Gehring.

They got past the battle which was still going on at the entrance to the store basement, letting Pelton down with a rope and carrying him onto the outward-bound belt. They left it in time to assemble under the ladder leading to the alley through which Ray said they had entered, and hauled Pelton up after them.

Four hundred dollars a year is all this parish can afford to pay a minister, and that Mr. Malcolm was distinctly told before he came. If he could not live on the salary offered, why did he come? Mr. Pelton never received more." "Beg your pardon, Mr. Larkin. Mr. Pelton never received less than seven hundred dollars a year. There were always extra subscriptions made for him."

Pelton, himself, is the owner of a huge department store, employing over a thousand Illiterates; he must at all times have the services of at least fifty Literates." "And pays through the nose for them, too!" Pelton growled. It was more than fifty; and Russ Latterman had been forced to get twenty extras sent in for the sale.

He hit and shoved and elbowed and cursed them out of the way, and burst into the big room beyond, and then, for a moment, he was almost sorry he had come. Pelton was slumped in his big relaxer chair, his face pale and twisted in pain, his breath coming in feeble gasps. His daughter was beside him, her blond head bent over him; Russell Latterman was standing to one side, watching intently.

All kinds of rumors were in the air as to how many of these there were. The Consolidated leaders boldly claimed that they had only to give the word to force the election of their candidate on any ballot. Yesler did not believe this claim could be justified, since Pelton and Harley were already negotiating with him for the delivery of the votes belonging to the cattlemen's contingent.