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They were divided into ten squadrons, and each of them composed of six vessels, excepting only the first, which consisted but of four, but those the strongest of the fleet. The admiral, on which the king of Pedir was on board, was in the first squadron, and with him were three Turkish gallions.

DOÑA MATILDE. Entonces también temblaría usted, porque es bien seguro que tampoco habrá usted tomado nada. DON EDUARDO. , por cierto; he tomado, según mi costumbre, una jícara de chocolate, con sus correspondientes bollos y pan de Mallorca. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Chocolate y pan de Mallorca en un día como éste! DON EDUARDO. ¿Es requisito acaso el pedir la novia en ayunas?

MARQUESA. Harás muy mal ... que si no se pide a las amigas cuando no se tiene que llevar a la boca, no yo cuándo se ha de pedir ... y yo lo he sido tuya, Matilde ... no de las íntimas ... pero ... pero siempre te he querido bien ... ya lo sabes ... y te lo voy a probar ahora mismo ... allí tengo en casa cuatro docenas de camisas de batista sin hacer del agua, y te las enviaré....

DON EDUARDO. ¿No ve usted que así se pierde toda esperanza y toma uno al cabo su partido? BRUNO. Cuando hay partido que tomar, no digo que no. DON EDUARDO. Ahora quisiera yo que usted, mi querido Bruno.... DON EDUARDO. Me concediera una gracia que le voy a pedir y que será probablemente la última que le pediré en mi vida. BRUNO. Si está en mi arbitrio....

No creo que haya dejado de expresar deliberadamente en términos más poéticos y exactos la posición de nuestros adversarios, y al decir "de nuestros adversarios" yo incluyo a la innumerable legión de mujeres que titubean aún en pedir el sufragio por consideraciones que no si llamarlas egoístas.

It was commanded by the Saracen, Bajaja Soora, a great man of war, and so famous for his exploits in arms, that his prince had honoured him with the title of King of Pedir, in reward for his taking Malacca even before he had besieged the town. There was no other intelligence of this at Malacca, but what the army of Achen brought itself.

Que se tomen la molestia de recorrer los pueblos y pedir limosna y se resarcirán de esa pérdida.

When the island was first visited by European navigators this state must have been in its decline, as appears from the political importance at that period of the kings of Achin, Pedir, and Pase, who, whilst they acknowledged their authority to be derived from him as their lord paramount, and some of them paid him a trifling complimentary tribute, acted as independent sovereigns.

The ships of war in and about the straits of Malacca, would do much good to the commerce of their country by an occasional visit to Acheen and the coast of Pedir. Malacca, which I first visited in 1829, and have repeatedly revisited, is completely shorn of its ancient glory, and is no longer of the slightest importance, either as a military position or as a trading mart.

In a letter from Emanuel King of Portugal to Pope Leo the Tenth, dated in 1513, he speaks of the discovery of Zamatra by his subjects; and the writings of Juan de Barros, Castaneda, Osorius, and Maffaeus, detail the operations of Diogo Lopez de Sequeira at Pedir and Pase in 1509, and those of the great Alfonso de Alboquerque at the same places, in 1511, immediately before his attack upon Malacca.