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Having properly impressed her, nothing made Sam feel larger than to bring her a set of pearl-handled knives, when she had wanted a dollar for kitchen tins. His extravagances were not always generosities. Once, after she had turned her winter-before-last suit and patched new seats into the boy's flannel drawers, because "times were hard," he bought a brace of blooded hunting-dogs.

His mother tried to persuade him not to go, but in vain, and he made ready for the journey, declaring that he would sing such magic songs as would turn old Wainamoinen into stone. Then he brought out his noble steed and harnessed him to a golden sledge, and then jumping in, he gave the steed a cut with his pearl-handled whip, and dashed off towards Kalevala.

"You get over on yore own side an' use yore Colt; I've wondered a whole lot where you ever got the sense to use a Colt I wouldn't be a heap surprised to see you toting a pearl-handled .22, like the kids use. Now you 'tend to yore grave-yard aspirants, an' lemme do the same with mine."

Pat Hawe leaned against a post and insolently ogled Madeline and then Florence. Don Carlos pressed forward. His whole figure filled Madeline's reluctant but fascinated eyes. He wore tight velveteen breeches, with a heavy fold down the outside seam, which was ornamented with silver buttons. Round his waist was a sash, and a belt with fringed holster, from which protruded a pearl-handled gun.

Just return to him, with my compliments, and tell him I say he is a meddler and a fool!" "Annette," said Sandy, softly, coming toward her, "the doctor'll be wanting his coffee by now." "Let me pass," cried Carter, "you common hound! Take your foot off that step or I'll " He made a quick motion toward his hip, and Sandy caught his hand as it closed on a pearl-handled revolver. "None of that, man!

On the table, almost hidden by her hand, I saw the thing which I had seen once before lying in the gutter on Dupont Street the pearl-handled revolver. I sat there at her feet, and, looking up at her, I felt as if she had won, though now I knew it was quite the other way.

Shuffling inside the teepee, he presently reappeared with a little bundle wrapped in folds of dressed moose hide. Sitting calm he undid it deliberately. A pearl-handled revolver was revealed to Bela's eager eyes. "The white man's short gun," he said. "Your fat'er gave it long tam ago. I keep her ver' careful. Still shoot straight. Here are shells, too. Tak' it, and keep her clean.

On a rough estimate, we figure that the affair won't cost a cent less than fifty thousand " "My dear!" cried Corky, rapping violently on the table with his fork in his agitation. "That's a pearl-handled fork," his wife reminded him, going very red under her rouge. At this juncture Jefferson arose and, clearing his throat, began a toast to the brides. "On your feet, gentlemen!

Beautiful pearl-handled revolvers were proudly exhibited to the public eye, and on one occasion I saw a little boy not over ten years old with a revolver that reached to his knee. The habit was all the more indefensible as it was absolutely unnecessary, Santo Domingo being as safe a country to travel in as any other.

You ought to find him in that Mexican lay-out below the depot. He's got a girl down there Pancha Sales." "How was he armed?" asked Buckley. "Two pearl-handled sixes, and a knife." "Keep this for me, Billy," said the ranger, handing over his Winchester. Quixotic, perhaps, but it was Bob Buckley's way. Another man and a braver one might have raised a posse to accompany him.