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Journal of Medical Research, No. 2, November, 1914. Ziehen. Psychiatrie, Vierte Auflage, 1911. Wernicke. Grundriss der Psychiatrie, 2 Auflage, 1906. Kraepelin. Psychiatrie, Achte Auflage, I Band, 1909. Binswanger. Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, Dritte Auflage, 1911. Ballet. Traite de Pathologie Mentale, 1903. New York, N. Y., May 5, 1915

M. BROUSSAIS, "Traité de Physiologie appliquée a la Pathologie," 1828. "Systême de la Nature," I. 2, 10, 86, 101, and passim. This eloquent text-book of the Atheism of the last century is dissected and refuted by M. BERGIER in his "Examen du Materialisme," 2 vols. Paris, 1771. M. COMTE, "Cours," I. 44, 141. M. CROUSSE, "Des Principes," pp. 84, 86.

Here, as also in regard toDarwinism,” which was advanced about the same time, the typical advocate ofcautionwas Rudolf Virchow. His doubts and reservations found utterance very soon after the theory itself had been promulgated. In hisCellular Pathologie,” and in an essay onThe Old Vitalism and the New,” he puts in a word for a vis vitalis.

Féré, Pathologie des Emotions, p. 51. This is an instinctive impulse under all strong emotion in primitive persons. Vaschide and Vurpas, Archives de Neurologie, May, 1904. F.B. Robinson, New York Medical Journal, March 11, 1893.

Tissié, Les Rêves, esp. p. 165, the case of a merchant who dreams of having paid a certain debt, and several weeks afterward meets his creditor, and maintains that they are even, giving way only to proof. For the complete account, see his Pathologie des émotions, pp. 345-49. Dr.

After mentioning a treatise De Missis Dominicis, which was not a religious book, as it might seem, but an inquiry into the functions of certain officers sent into the provinces by the emperors and the early kings of France, he comes nearer to our own door in telling how "un ignorant avait placé le Traité des Fluxions de Maclaurin avec les livres de pathologie, prenant pour une maladie les fluxions mathématiques."

By vigorously irritating the sensory nerves of the hand the boy imparts a stimulus to his muscular system. His act belongs to a large group which has been especially studied by Féré. See his Sensation et Mouvement , and Pathologie des Emotions .

La Muette, a l'entree du Bois de Boulogne, S. Colisee, au Parc des Sablons, S. Amphitheatre d'equitation de Franconi, aux Capucines. Panorama, meme lieu. Exhibition de Curtius, Boulevard du Temple. Experiences Physiques, au Palais du Tribunat. La Chaumiere, aux Nouveaux Boulevards. Cabinet de demonstration de Physiologie et de Pathologie, au Palais du Tribunat, No. 38, au premier.