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Persian princes, noblemen and ex-ministers, among them the Zillu’s-Sulṭán, the Persian Minister, the Turkish Ambassador in Paris, Rashíd Páshá, an ex-valí of Beirut, Turkish páshás and ex-ministers, and Viscount Arawaka, Japanese Ambassador to the Court of Spain, were among those who had the privilege of attaining His presence.

"If you specify your requirements we shall do our best to satisfy you," replied the Count imperturbably. "Well, now," said Eleanor thoughtfully, "I may just as well tell you that if I'm going to take a peer and I must own peers are rather my fancy at present it was Mohammedan pashas last year, wasn't it, Ri?"

In a letter to myself he thus dilates upon the scheme: "Here is the subject which I am interested in if it could be done. The reasons are: We are in Egypt supporting an unpopular sovereign, whose tenure ends with departure of our troops. We offer no hope to the people of any solace by this support, and by the supporting of the Turco-Circassian Pashas, who I know by experience are hopeless.

Then, he must have my contempt for money; otherwise the people will never believe in his sincerity. Lastly, he must have my contempt for death." Such a man was not found, and well might the black people long for the return of Gordon Pasha, the only Christian for whom they offered prayers at Mecca. When he went away, under the rule of the greedy Egyptian pashas the slave trade began again.

The Pashas had determined at last that they had no further use for this honest and peculiar Englishman. It was arranged that one of his confidential dispatches should be published in the newspapers; naturally, it contained indiscretions; there was a universal outcry the man was insubordinate, and mad. He departed under a storm of obloquy. It seemed impossible that he should ever return to Egypt.

They often saw passing under the windows of their farm boats full of Effendis, Pashas, and Cadis, who were going into banishment to Lemnos, Mitylene, or Erzeroum. And they saw other Cadis, Pashas, and Effendis coming to supply the place of the exiles, and afterwards exiled in their turn. They saw heads decently impaled for presentation to the Sublime Porte.

Why should a man greatly rejoice in that which he daily seeth most abound in the hands of many who are wicked? Do not now this great Turk and his pashas in all these advancements of fortune surmount very far above a Christian estate, and any lords living under him?

A voice within her said: "It's a man!" And presently the man came into the restaurant, accompanied by the eternal old woman in the black wig. Now Caroline Briggs had an enormous and cosmopolitan acquaintance. She was the sort of woman who knows wealthy Greeks, Egyptian pashas, Turkish princesses, and wonderful exotic personages from Brazil, Persia, Central America and the Indies.

In former times, when the Pashas of Egypt exercised but a nominal power over the neighbouring Bedouins, the Arabs of Tor were much dreaded by the crews of ships; they enforced from them regular tributes whenever they entered their harbours, and conducted themselves in a very oppressive manner.

It was a lucky hit of the old darkey's, at any rate. An opportunity came at last to gratify a long-cherished wish by visiting a harem. Madame L , a French lady who has lived here many years, visits in the harems of several pashas, and invited me to accompany her. I donned the best my trunk afforded, and at eleven o'clock we set out, each in a sedan chair.