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'You know well enough that I would beat you all black and blue if you did not praise me seventeen times a day, four times for each watch and once more for good luck! Eh? He glared ferociously about him, and his stick flew round in his hand like lightning, through a whole series of cuts, feints, and round parries.

The man who learns it indifferently has very little chance of seeing his native land at the close of the war. Remember that. Bayonet fighting is one of the things no American soldier can afford to be dull about. Lieutenant Morris, if you will pick up a blob-stick we can show these men some of the value of swift work in the simpler thrusts and parries."

The clashing of the steel operated on both like the sound of the clarion on a war-horse, and there were sudden and rapid blows, and as rapid parries, exchanged between the flashing weapons. "Barnstable! Barnstable!" cried Katherine, rushing into his arms, "I will go with you to the ends of the earth!"

As the boy realized later, he fought Italian in principle, and used the best of French parries, ripostes, and tricks, upon occasion and his own perfected combination of the two schools made him, according to Captain Delorme, the best fencer in the King's army.

In vain have his real friends remonstrated against this Midsummer madness; George is as obstinate as a Primitive Christian, and wards and parries off all our thrusts with one unanswerable fence, "Sir, it's of great consequence that the world is not misled!"

We met by agreement, alone, in the very field where I received my chastisement; I brought with me my monastic habit and tonsure, which I concealed before his arrival among the very nettles which he had gathered for my chastisement. The conflict was not long; after a few thrusts and parries he lay dying at my feet.

For instance, having made cut 1 as far as the centre of the target, return to the second position and form guard 1. Similarly for cut 2 and all the other cuts. In the same way make the points in the lunge, in position three, and the corresponding parries in the second position.

The commands are given and the movements for each line are first explained thoroughly by the instructor; the execution begins at the command ASSAULT. Number one executes the attack, and number two parries; conversely, at command, number two attacks and number one parries. Success in these attacks depends on quickness of movement.

I followed all his movements with my hands, and caught the drollery of his blunders and gestures in a way that would have been impossible had it all been spelled to me. Then they rose to fight the duel, and I followed the swift thrusts and parries of the swords and the waverings of poor Bob as his courage oozed out at his finger ends.

An old fellow of thirty was counselling a young one of eighteen, and explaining to him what sort of an adversary he had to deal with. "The deuce! Look out for yourself. He is a fine swordsman. His play is neat. He has the attack, no wasted feints, wrist, dash, lightning, a just parade, mathematical parries, bigre! and he is left-handed."