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Toomey's approval and commented upon the swiftness with which time sped in congenial company. A delightful afternoon was especially appreciated in a community where there were so few with whom one could really unbend and talk freely to all of which Mrs. Toomey agreed thoroughly, understanding, as she did, what Mrs. Pantin meant exactly.

But he come to, a minute after they laid im down an I ses, 'Jamie, ow did it appen' an he ses, 'Mother, it wor John Burgess ee opened my lamp for to light hissen as had gone out an I don't know no more. An then after a bit he ses, 'Mother, don't you fret I'm glad I'm goin I'd got the drink in me, he ses. An then he give two three little breaths, as though he wor pantin an I kiss him."

I wouldn't hurt her feelin's for the world; but now that I am here, havin' kem eight thousand miles, wouldn't it be too hard to give up the very experience I've been pinin' an' pantin' fur? A man can't get to feel like canned goods every time! Me and the Judge here'll fix up this thing in no time, an' then you'll come back, an' we'll all laugh together!

And if by a miracle "the bone and sinew" of the community raised one cutting of alfalfa, the proceeds went to the Security State Bank, or Abram Pantin, to keep up their 12 per cent. interest.

Mary's College, the Clergy of the Church of England in the island; the leading professional men and merchants, etc., and especially a large number of the Roman Catholic gentry of the island; 'MM. Ambard, O'Connor, Giuseppi, Laney, Farfan, Gillineau, Rat, Pantin, Leotaud, Besson, Fraser, Paull, Hobson, Garcia, Dr. Padron, etc. I quote their names from the Gazette, in the order in which they occur.

When I'd said it she looked like some little hunted animal dogs was after that had run till its breath was gone an' its eyes was startin' from its head. Her little chest went up an' down with pantin'. I didn't wonder when I heard after that she'd dropped in the street in a dead faint." "Was that the day I picked her up as she lay on the pavement?" Miss Amory asked.

Just before we reached Chelles we saw the first signs of actual war preparations, as there we ran inside the wire entanglements that protect the approach to the outer fortifications at Paris, and at Pantin we saw the first concentration of trains miles and miles of made-up trains all carrying the Red Cross on their doors, and line after line of trucks with gray ammunition wagons, and cannons.

Kate's face hardened and she replied curtly: "I already have had that doubtful pleasure upon an occasion, which you should remember." Mrs. Pantin flushed. Disconcerted for a moment, she collected herself, and instead of protesting ignorance of her meaning, as she was tempted, she said candidly: "We must let bygones be bygones, Miss Prentice, and be friends. We are older now, and wiser, aren't we?"

He was pantin' like he'd run a mile, and I heard him say in a whisper, 'Oh, my God! just like that, 'Oh, my God!" The handy-man paused with this grotesque mimicry of terror. "And then?" prompted Moxlow, in the breathless silence. "And then he took off up the alley as if all hell was whoopin' after him!"

Wall, the old man stood a pantin' by the side of the wheelbarrow, as if he had indeed got on too heavy a load. It wuz piled up high. The horse shied, and Ardelia wuz throwed right out onto the bank of sand, Bial by the side of her. And the old man and woman came a runnin' up, and callin' out, "Bial, my son, my son, are you wounded?" And there it all wuz. Ardelia see the hull on it.