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This is probably one of the most extensive sheets of basalt with which we are acquainted in the European area, and it is only a remnant of a vastly greater original sheet. Building standing on old breccia, rocks of the Col; 2. Road to Brioude; 3. Croix de la Paille; 4.

«En faisant ces réflexions, je retournai au chalet de Plianpra je passai la nuit sur de la paille que j'avois fait étendre auprès du feu, parce que la soirée étoit extrêmement fraîche.

Several of the girls, the majority, indeed, had brothers or cousins at the neighbouring college. But "la robe grise, le chapeau de paille," here surely was a clue a very confusing one. The straw-hat was an ordinary garden head-screen, common to a score besides myself. The grey dress hardly gave more definite indication.

Gages de sa valeur Suspendus en echarpe, Son epée et sa harpe Croisaient sur son cœur. Il rencontre en chemin Pelerine jolie Qui voyage et qui prie Un rosaire a la main, Colerette aux longs plies Gouvre sa fine taille, Et grande chapeau de paille Cache son front divin. "Ah! gentil Troubadour, Si tu reviens fidele, Chant un couplet pour celle Qui benit ton retour."

Nous vinmes loger dans un caravanserai qui étoit éloigné de toute habitation. Nous y trouvâmes de l'orge et de la paille, et il eût été d'autant plus aisé de nous en approvisionner, qu'il n'y avoit d'autre gardien qu'un seul valet. Mais on n'a rien de semblable

"I have the body of my grande carosse so arranged," she wrote, "that the sun could not trouble us; we lowered the glasses; the opening in front made a marvellous picture, all the points of view that you can imagine. Only the Abbé and I were in this little compartment on good cushions and in fine air, much at our ease, altogether like cochons sur la paille.

Hers was the dignity that comes from unselfish service, the calm that is far from resignation, though the black veil caught up on her chapeau de paille gave her the air of a Sister of Mercy. Antoinette had inherited the energies as well as the features of the St. Gre's, yet there was a painful moment as she stood there, striving to put down the agitation the sight of me gave her.

As we have long ago discarded the picturesque from bonnets, and the famous "chapeau de paille" has been laid aside, there is an advantage in the fact that the present style is unobtrusive; and strong-minded women who cling tenaciously to their beloved old coal-scuttle shape, and deride the present fashion, indignantly exclaiming against it, "Call that thing a bonnet, indeed?" certainly tempts us to reply to their prejudiced and absurd reflections, "Physician, heal thyself;" for if there is one thing more ugly than another, it is the old-fashioned bonnet with crown, curtain, and poke, to which a few old maids rigidly adhere just as Quakeresses do to their hideous and antiquated style.

We drank each other's health after the old fashion with the celebrated Arbois wine, called le vin de Paille, from the process the grape goes through, being dried in straw before fermentation. This vin de Paille has an exquisite flavour and is very costly and rare, even in these parts, being chiefly grown by amateurs for themselves. It is clear as crystal, and yellow as gold.

The true text is, 'Mais ils n'avoient pas cette taille, 'but they were not of that nature. The translator found the corruption 'bataille' for 'taille. Froissart says 'le seigle, le retrait et la paille, 'the rye, the bran and the straw. The translator's French text had 'le seigle, le retraict de la paille.