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"You get on with your work and don't bother your pudden head about what ain't in no way your business. Mr. Ironside is about the soundest man within fifty miles, and don't you forget it!" "He wasn't best pleased to hear about the poor old Colonel though for all that," said Charlie Bates tenaciously. "And I'd give something to know what'll come of it."

It was at once his library a scanty one, for the poet held tenaciously to but a few books his sideboard, his secrétaire, his music cabinet giving lodgment in this last capacity to a single work, "The Complete and Classical Preceptor for Galoubet, Containing Tunes, Polkas and Military Pieces."

She had heard little or nothing of them during the last four empty months; but it was plain now that the lovers were agreed and her own cause abandoned. Up to this moment she had not realized how tenaciously she had clung to the belief that the proud, high-souled girl would yet see justice done her; and now she had deserted her, like the rest!

It was pleasant to have authority in a black coat at one's board; to defer, if not to bend to it. The traditions of fashion demanded a clergyman in the milieu, and the more tenaciously he clung to his prerogatives, the better they liked it.

No words had passed between them on the occasion of their first meeting, so it could have been nothing that he said which caused the memory of him to cling so tenaciously in her mind. What was it then? Was it the memory of the moments that she had lain in his strong arms was it the shadow of the sweet, warm glow that had suffused her as his eyes had caught hers upon his face?

During my conference with these gentlemen, I was convinced with no less certainty than surprise, that if men of learning have sometimes fewer prejudices than others, they more tenaciously retain those they have.

Her fingers closed on it more tenaciously. "Gaspare, I order you to tell me." "Signora," he said, "such things are not in my service. I am here to work, not to answer questions." He spoke quietly now, heavily, and moved his feet on the carpet. "You disobey me?" "Signora, I shall always obey all your orders as a servant." "And as a friend, Gaspare, as a friend! You are my friend, aren't you?"

These men, without exception, were all sons of the count's tenants, and so tenaciously, even out at sea, did they cling to their old traditions, that it mattered little to them what physical disorganization ensued, so long as they felt they were sharing the experiences of their lord and master.

At another place ladders were put up at all the windows, and men crowded upon them, and tenaciously held their uncomfortable positions through the whole meeting. In one or two places they were refused a meeting-house, on account of strong sectarian feeling against them as Quakers.

And he has nothing of the pathos of Du Bois-Reymond’signorabimus.” He is the neutral, prosaic scientist, who will let nothingtempt him to a transcendental consideration,” either theological or naturalistic, who holds tenaciously to matters of fact, who, without absolutely rejecting a general theory, will not concern himself about it, except to point out every difficulty in the way of it; in short, he is the representative of a mood that is the ideal of every investigator and the despair of every theoriser.