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At Coy Inlet the high plain trends inland, leaving flat-topped outliers. This formation is highly remarkable, from abounding with mammiferous remains, which have not as yet been examined by Professor Owen, but which include some large, but mostly small, species of Pachydermata, Edentata, and Rodentia.

He it is who especially deserves the title pachydermata, his skin being so hard and thick that bullets glance off its surface. But this has nothing to do with our present subject, any more than the horn upon his nose, whose turn for description may come if I ever give you the history of the skin and all connected with it.

It is a fact that, chronologically speaking, man lived in the glacial period according to French scientists, even before it; and that, palæontologically speaking, man and mammoth lived at the same time, and, according to a discovery made some thirty years ago at Denise in Middle France, probably even man and another older and defunct form of pachydermata, the elephas meridionalis, in North America man and the mastodon.

For instance, among the mammalia the pachydermata, among the reptilia the salamander and newt, among the articulata the cephalopoda, are at present remarkably reduced; compare with the legions of ammonites and belemnites of the secondary period the small number of nautilus and cuttle-fish of the seas at the present day.

Foss. 502. t. 39; f. 10: The Singhalese, on following the elk, frequently effect their approaches by so imitating the call of the animal as to induce them to respond. VII. PACHYDERMATA. The Elephant. The elephant, and the wild boar, the Singhalese "waloora," are the only representatives of the pachydermatous order.

Owls, white, new mates found by. Oxynotus, difference of the females of two species of. Pachydermata. Pachytylus migratorius. Pagurus, carrying the female. Painting, pleasure of savages in. Palaemon, chelae of a species of. Palaeornis, sexual differences of colour in. Palaeornis javanicus, colour of beak of. Palaeornis rosa, young of. Palamedea cornuta, spurs on the wings. Paleolithic period.

VI., its wall cases having been entirely filled with the gigantic Osseous Remains of Edentata and Pachydermata, and that the Central Room of the Northern Zoological Gallery has been devoted to a collection of the Beasts, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Shells, Sea Eggs, Starfish, and Corals found in the British Islands.

Grasping his knife, he commenced his labours, in which we were fain to assist him; and as he cut away, he lectured on the creature. "You see," he observed, "this is one of the Pachydermata, or thick-skinned animals. It is a link which connects the elephant and rhinoceros to the swine; indeed, their habits are somewhat similar.

Although, still lingering among the Pachydermata, I have now left behind me the ponderous and unwieldy forms which inhabit the wild and wooded tracts of the earth's surface, and come to the group called Solipeda, from the one round and horny hoof which encircles all the feet; one toe is apparent; and two points on each side, under the skin, represent lateral toes; besides which there is, underneath, a soft pad, or what is generally termed the frog, which touches the ground when the animal walks.

After the musk-deer comes the large family of camels and llamas, which represent the former in Asia and Africa, the latter in America the irregular groups of ruminants which have canines instead of horns, and which seem to be placed as intermediates between true ruminants and the pachydermata.