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"What! mi amo! "And why not here? Can any place be better? If we again enter the defile we may find no other level spot. See! the llamas will go no farther. We must remain therefore." "But, master," continued Guapo "see!" "See what?" "The trees, master!" "Well, what of the trees? Their shade will serve to screen us from the night dew. We can sleep under them."

Ward, his brow unfurrowed from counting-house cares, walked beside Mary's mule, gathered each new flower for her, and listened to her narrative of some of the causes for which she was glad, with her own eyes, to see Tom Madison in his scene of action. The first day of adventure they slept at a hacienda, surrounded with fields where numerous llamas were pasturing.

Ten of the llamas were intended for the transport of provisions on the march from one village to another, and were already loaded to the full extent of their capacity; four were harnessed to the curious hammock-like arrangements which had been provided for the accommodation of Phil and his friend on the march; and the remaining hundred and eighty-six animals, as well as the forty volunteers for sea service, were available for the transportation of treasure, each llama being provided with a pair of saddle bags the broad connecting band of which sank so deeply into the wool of the creature that there was not the slightest fear of the bags slipping.

In the shadow of that solitary sentinel peak her life had been passed; she had gathered chestnuts and chincapins among its wooded clefts, and clambered over its gray boulders as fearlessly as the young llamas of the Parime; and now, as it rapidly receded and finally vanished, she felt as if the last link that bound her to the past had suddenly snapped; the last friendly face which had daily looked down on her for twelve years was shut out forever, and she and Grip were indeed alone, in a great, struggling world of selfishness and sin.

"Impossible, master they are poison trees!" "You are talking foolishly, Guapo. These are mollé trees." "I know it, señor; but they are poison. If we sleep under them we shall not awake in the morning we shall awake no more." And Guapo, as he uttered these words, looked horrified. "This is nonsense; you are superstitious, old man. We must abide here. See, the llamas have lain down.

"The truth is," she said, when she told the story to Miss Dunbar, "Frances brought that boy up to believe that he was a Grand Llama among men. There is no work for Grand Llamas in this country, and when he understands that he is made of very ordinary clay indeed, he will probably be of some use in the world." Lucy was watering her roses.

In the Lule dialect I find fo, water; foyavolto, a river; foysi, a lake; as in Persian, ab is water; abi frat, the river Euphrates; abdan, a lake. Must we admit that llamas, which were used in the Andes to draw the plough and as beasts of burden, but not for riding, were already common on the north and east of Quito?

Were we to lose some of our mules it would be impossible to replace them, and it would be useless to find gold if we could not carry it away." Two days later they started, four llamas having been added to the caravan.

The Paebrotherium, a small animal about two feet long, is followed by Pliauchenia, which points toward the llamas and vicunas, and Procamelus, which clearly foreshadows the true camel. In the Pliocene the one branch went southward, to develop into the llamas and vicunas, and the other branch crossed to Asia, to develop into the camels. Since that time they have had no descendants in North America.

Nearly all have horns or antlers, at least in one sex. Most split-hoofed animals are ruminants, but there is a small remnant, probably of early types, which are not. Non-ruminants Hippopotamus, Swine, Peccaries. Ruminants Camels, Llamas, Chevrotains, Giraffe, Antelopes, Sheep, Goats, Musk-ox, Oxen, Deer. The non-ruminant artiodactyls need not detain us long.