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"Why do you suppose that Pa-pah is rowing somebody's maid around the bay, and singing that way to her?" "Perhaps it's one of our maids," said Drusilla; "but that would be rather odd, too, wouldn't it, Mr. Yates?" "A little," he admitted. And his heart sank. Flavilla had started down the sandy face of the bluff. "I'm going to see whose maid it is," she called back.

Then followed a solid paragraph of nonsense verse inserted as prose; about a Ranger-man, Ranger-man, running away, 'Cause pa-pah, dear pa-pah comes home for to-day; But his Lincoln green coatie the Ranger forgot; And pa-pah, dear pa-pah came home raging hot; The Ranger-man, Ranger-man was still on the run, For pa-pah, dear pa-pah was out with a gun, He'd heaved up his war club and jangled his spear, And swore by my halidom what doth that coat here, etc., etc.

"If we are going to sketch Cooper's Bluff this morning," observed Drusilla to Flavilla, "I think we had better go quietly by way of the kitchen garden. Evidently Pa-pah does not care for Mr. Yates." Orlando, the family cat, strolled in, conciliatory tail hoisted. Mr. Carr hurled a cushion at Orlando, then beat madly upon his own head with both hands.

The certainty of being punished and then, after all, seeing nothing but bottles, did seem rather unfair.... So I walked around to to see if I could find something to look at which would repay me for the punishment.... There is a proverb, isn't there Pa-pah? something about being executed for a lamb " "Go on!" he said sharply.

And then you find out you're mistaken and you say you always want him for a friend, and you presently begin all over again with a perfectly new man " "Flavilla!" "Yes, Pa-pah." "Are you utterly demoralized!" "Demoralized? Why? Everybody behaved as I do before you and William invented your horrid machine.

"And," she continued, "if you will go home and change your overalls for something more conventional, you shall come and dine with us this evening, and I will be waiting for you in the drawing-room.... And, George, although some of your troubles are now over " "All of them, dearest!" he cried with enthusiasm. "No," she said tenderly, "you are yet to meet Pa-pah."

Sybilla began to count on her fingers. "As I walked around the room I noticed jars, bottles, tubes, lamps, retorts, blowpipes, batteries " "Did you notice a small, shiny machine that somewhat resembles the interior economy of a watch?" "Yes, Pa-pah, but I haven't come to that yet " "Did you go near it?" "Quite near " "You didn't touch it, did you?" "I was going to tell you "

I'll quietly explain that the machine went off by mistake and that I am only eighteen; and that Flavilla and Drusilla and I are not to come out until next winter. That," she added innocently, "ought to hold him." "The thing to do," said her father, gazing fixedly at her, "is to keep you in your room until you're twenty!" "Oh, Pa-pah!" Mr. Carr smote his florid brow.

Arm in arm they strolled out into the great living room, where a large, pompous, vividly colored gentleman was laying down the law to the triplets three very attractive young girls, dressed precisely alike, who said, "Yes, pa-pah!" and "No pa-pah!" in a grave and silvery-voiced chorus whenever filial obligation required it.

"You didn't all go in, did you?" he demanded in a melodious bellow. "Oh, no, Pa-pah!" "Did two of you go?" "Oh-h, n-o, Pa-pah!" "Well, which one did?" The line of beauty wavered for a moment; then Sybilla stepped slowly to the front, three paces, and halted with downcast eyes. "I told you not to, didn't I?" said her father, scowling the monocle out of his eye and reinserting it. "Y-yes, Pa-pah."