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"I am going to take you over the ground with me; show you Weatherbee's project, his drawn plans. But afterwards, if you outbid me " "You need not be afraid of that," she interrupted quickly. "I you must know" she paused, her lashes drooped "I am not very rich," she finessed. Tisdale laughed outright.

"Go on, Colonel; go on with your offer," he said. "Well, I'll see that a block of stock, sah a big block is set aside fo' Senator Langdon an' another fo' you, too. We've made this ah-rangomont else-wheah. We'll outbid Altacoola overall time. They're po' sports an' hate to give up." "So Altacoola is bidding, too?" excitedly asked Haines. "Why, of co'se it is.

Teresa's house-parties were always rounded off with a plentiful garnishing of presentable young women and alert, attendant mothers, but the old lady was emphatically discouraging whenever any one of her girl guests became at all likely to outbid the others as a possible granddaughter-in-law.

Whereby also I gather that the maintenance of a superfluous number of dealers in most trades, tillage always excepted, is one of the greatest causes why the prices of things became excessive: for one of them do commonly use to outbid another.

"I think," said Vargrave, turning to Evelyn, "that as by my uncle's will your fortune is to be laid out in the purchase of land, we could not find a better investment than Burleigh. So, whenever you are inclined to sell, Maltravers, I think we must outbid Doltimore. What say you, my fair ward?" "Leave Burleigh in peace, I beseech you!" said Maltravers, angrily.

Bacon, when he found that Bungay was about to treat, of course, began to be anxious and curious, and desired to outbid his rival. Was anything settled between Mr. Pendennis and the odious house "over the way" about the new book? Mr.

The specimens exhibited convinced Gotzkowsky that this young man was fully acquainted with the secret of porcelain-making, and he had therefore immediately determined to forestall the Duke of Gotha. Money had in this instance, as usual, exercised its charm, and nothing more was necessary than to outbid the terms agreed on with the duke.

To accomplish this they had among other things to outbid their rivals for popular support, and so it happened that many of them who were at heart constitutional monarchists adopted a strong republican attitude which went beyond their real convictions. The Girondins attacked at once. The conduct of the Commune, of the sectional committees was impugned.

The manager from Bergsåna was at the table looking confident, for he knew that he was in a position to outbid all the others. The innkeeper from Karmsund was standing at the window, in such a fever of agitation that great beads of sweat came out on his forehead, and his hands shook.

"Dip my head in the mud for sixpence, sir!" would one of us cry out; and then he would be outbid by another. "Roll myself all over and over in the mud, face and all, sir only give me sixpence!"