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This is a favourable opportunity for ostrich-hunting, especially if the weather is very warm; for the greater the heat, the less vigour have the birds for prolonging the chase.

As none of the hunters were inclined to put Swartboy's abilities for ostrich-hunting to a further test they acknowledged their defeat and resumed the interrupted journey.

Yafir Pass Rhut Tug The Ruins at Kin's City Abban Apprehends Future Consequences Hyenas The Dulbahantas Camel Drivers' Tricks Briny Water Antelope-shooting Elephant-hunting Ostrich-hunting Gazelles Jealousy and Suspicions of the People Troubles from Forty Thieves Rapid Decline of Property. 4th December 1854.

They had tried, they told me, ostrich-hunting, visiting their native neighbours, partridge-shooting, horse-racing, etc.; but the partridges were too tame for them, they could never catch the ostriches, the natives didn't understand them, and they had finally given up all these so-called amusements.

Imagine the ostrich-hunting on its borders; picture the natives riding their unequalled breed of horses, the wind-drinkers, which carry their masters a hundred miles a day, and which, ridden after the birds up-wind, gradually tire them down, until they can be knocked on the head with a bludgeon; the Arabs too, themselves, with the unforgettable manners possessed by such as Abraham, and handed down from time immemorial; last of all, Timbuctoo, the Queen of the Desert, the fabled home of the voracious cassowary, does not the picture imperiously summon the traveller "over the hills and far away"? Very far away; for Timbuctoo is twelve hundred miles from Mogador, and a journey there would mean at least forty days across the Sahara, through a country belonging to peoples in no way friendly towards "infidels," where oases are few and far between.