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"'I take no advantage, sais I. 'I'll pay you what you ask, but you shall never take advantage agin of another free and enlightened American citizen, I can tell you. "'You must keep your money then, Sir, said he, 'but this is not a fair deal; no gentleman would do it. "'What's fair, I am willin' to do, sais I; 'what's onfair, is what you want to do.

My grandfather is dead at the time, so his examples lost to us; but my father, sort o' projectin' 'round for p'sition, decides it would be onfair in him to throw the weight of his valor to either side, so he stands a pat hand on that embroglio, declines kyards, an' as I states is nootral.

An' that ain't an onfair advantage, because it's his own fault he's worryin' about it. An' if it gives me a better chance with her, I'm goin' to grab it. An' I'll win, too. But, if I don't win, I don't reckon it'll kill me. Sometimes when I get to thinkin' about it I almost wish it would I'm that damned close to bein' yellow." Bat laughed. The idea of the Texan being yellow struck him as humorous.

"'I take no advantage, sais I. 'I'll pay you what you ask, but you shall never take advantage agin of another free and enlightened American citizen, I can tell you. "'You must keep your money then, Sir, said he, 'but this is not a fair deal; no gentleman would do it. "'What's fair, I am willin' to do, sais I; 'what's onfair, is what you want to do.

"I never seen such an outfit to be always a-reachin'," grinned the cowpuncher. "Well, if there ain't the ol' eagle-bird wheel! Give her a spin, Toney! They say you can't hit an eagle on the fly with a six-gun, but I'm willin' to try! Spin her good, 'cause I don't want no onfair advantage of that there noble bird. Stand back, Greasers, so you don't get nicked!"

"Yes," said the Count, "I have always held it to be one of the advantages of travel that one learns to tolerate the inhabitants of other lands." "Ach, you are onfair," exclaimed the Baron. "Really?" said Eva, with a sarcastic intonation he had not believed possible in so sweet a voice.

I do not care to come triumphant out iv this ordeel an' repoort other cases f'r th' newspa-apers. All I ask is a block's start an' some wan holdin' th' polisman's coattails. I waive me right to be thried be an incorruptible, fair, an' onprejudiced Judge. Give me wan that's onfair an' prejudiced an' that ye can slip somethin' to.

"She've a'got more than she can do, I reckon," said an old man famous in the lobster line; "other a one of they is as big as she be, and two to one seemeth onfair odds. Wish her well out of it that's all as can be done." "Kelks, you're a fool," replied the ancient navyman, steadying his spy-glass upon a ledge of rock.