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One third the public so far as it stands about the 'doby where Silver Phil is hived that time is 'Three-D' adherents, mebby another third is 'K-in-a-box' folks, while the last third is mighty likely nootral. Whichever way it breaks, however, thar's a tacit stand-off, an' never a sport of 'em lifts a finger or voice to head off Silver Phil.

'No, says Colonel Sterett, 'my own personal parent simmers down a whole lot compared to my grandfather. He don't take his pol'tics so much to heart; his democracy ain't so virulent an' don't strike in. His only firm stand on questions of state, as I relates the other day, is when he insists on bein' nootral doorin' the late war.

Right away I heard a shot in the next room and I busted out with my hands up and yelling that I was a nootral. Before I'd gone twenty yards Hunt and Grounds had killed two of the posse and by the time I was over that rise behind the house they'd laid out the other. And then I watched this little deputy get the two of them.

Of course Wolfville looks on some amazed at this yere labor movement, but declar's itse'f nootral. "'Let every gent skin his own eel, says Enright; 'the same bein' a fav'rite proverb back in Tennessee when I'm a yooth. This collision between Colonel Sterett an' them free an' independent printers he has in his herd is shorely what may be called a private game.

Hingland, France, Rooshia, Japan, that's one side, an' Germany and Austria on th' other." "America in it?" demanded Madden. "Right enough. Canada is sendin' troops and " "America! America! The United States of America!" "Oh, no, she's the only nootral in th' whole world among th' big powers! But she'll be in soon enough!" "What's this we're on?" inquired Caradoc. "It isn't a warship?"

"Yet somehow I can't love him. I want to mortify the beggar. Volunteers to mortify my uncle, one pace to the front." 'I took Jules with me the regulation distance. Jules was getting interested. Your Mr. Leggatt preserved a strictly nootral attitude. "You're a pressed man," says our Mr. Morshed. "I owe your late employer much, so to say. The car will manoeuvre all night, as requisite." 'Mr.

Being a nootral, I was in an advantageous position to take a hand. I had a pretty hectic time for a while, and then I reckoned I would leave God's country and see what was doing in Europe.

In my country we've got war, while your country, in conjunktion with Cap'n Sems of the "Alobarmy," manetanes a nootral position! I'm afraid I can't write goaks when I sit about it. Oh no, I guess not! Yes, Sir, we've got a war, and the troo Patrit has to make sacrifisses, you bet.

Which I know he's nootral by one thing: ""Willyum," he'd say that a-way when he'd notice me organizin' to go down to the village; "Willyum," he'd say. "if anybody asks you what you be, an' speshul if any of them Yankees asks you, you tell 'em that you're Union, but you remember you're secesh." "'The Sterett fam'ly, ondoubted, is the smartest fam'ly in the South.

'I guess you British were the same kind of nootral when your Admiral warned off the German fleet from interfering with Dewey in Manila Bay in '98. Mr Blenkiron drank up the last drop of his boiled milk and lit a thin black cigar. I leaned forward. 'Have you talked to Sir Walter? I asked.