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COLCHICUM autumnale. MEADOW-SAFFRON. This is a common plant in pasture-land in Worcestershire, Herefordshire, and other counties. Many are the instances that have occurred of the bad effects of it to cattle. I have this last autumn known several cows that died in consequence of eating this plant. MELILOT. Trifolium officinale.

These qualities point out its use in a flaccid state of the vessels, and a sluggishness of the juices: the natural evacuations are in some measure restrained or promoted by it, where the excess or deficiency proceeds from this cause. Hence some have recommended it as an astringent in dysenteries, a diuretic, and others as an aperient and deobstruent in scrophulous habits. SYMPHYTUM officinale.

The branches are deep green, angular, and flexible, the leaves pinnate, and the flowers pure-white and sweetly-scented. The variety J. officinale affine has flowers that are individually larger than those of the species; J. officinale aurea has badly variegated leaves; J. officinale grandiflorum and J. officinale grandiflorum majus, are also desirable kinds. J. REVOLUTUM. India, 1812.

It occurs in widely distant families, but has a special interest for us in two genera, which are generally known as very polymorphous groups. One of them is the hawkweed or Hieracium, and the other is the dandelion or Taraxacum officinale.

Thiselton Dyer to the fact that the preserved ginger has very much larger rhizomes than Zingiber officinale, and that it was quite improbable that it was the product of that plant. The difficulty in identifying the plant arose from the fact that, like many others cultivated for the root or tuber, it rarely flowers. The first flowering plant was sent to Kew from Jamaica by Mr.

These are used in poultices. The good housewife doctors cut the roots in slices and steep them in brandy; and they are said to be an excellent remedy for all bruises and green wounds: for which purposes it is applied by them with considerable effect. LITHOSPERMUM officinale. GROMWELL. The Seeds. These are roundish, hard, and of a whitish colour, like little pearls.

"In future," said he, "when you crunch a lump of sugar, you shall know something of the manufacture of what you are eating. The sugar-cane is called, in Latin, Saccharum officinale, that is, 'druggist's sugar, because the product of this plant was so rare that it was sold only at the druggists' shops.

The Timber-trees are, of the Oaks, Quercus alba, Quercus macrocarpa, Quercus tinctoria, Quercus imbricaria, Hard and Soft Maples, and of the Hickories, Carya alba, Carya tomentosa, and Carya amara. Of Medicinal Plants, we find Cassia Marilandica, Polygala Senega, Sanguinaria Canadensis, Lobelia inflata, Phytolacca decandra, Podophyllum peliatum, Sassafras officinale.

A showy and well-known species, from China, with numerous, usually solitary yellow flowers, ternate leaves, and flexible branches. The variety J. nudiflorum aureo-variegatum has golden-variegated leaves. J. OFFICINALE. Northern India to Persia, 1548.

ERYSIMUM officinale. It is said to be attenuant, expectorant, and diuretic; and has been strongly recommended in chronical coughs and hoarseness. Rondeletius informs us that the last-mentioned complaint, occasioned by loud speaking, was cured by this plant in three days. Other testimonies of its good effects in this disorder are recorded by writers on the Materia Medica, of whom we may mention Dr.