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In the description of their persons we partly recognize the modern Gael, or the inhabitants of the Highlands of Scotland: huge bodies, blue eyes, bristly hair; even their dress and armor are those of the Highlanders, for they wore the checked and variegated tartans; their arms consisted of the broad, unpointed battle-sword, the same weapon as the claymore among the Highlanders.

The course of the Rhine below Mainz becomes much more picturesque. The river descends rapidly and winds between hills, not high, but steep, and of beautiful forms. We saw many ruined castles standing on the edges of precipices, surrounded by black woods, high and inaccessible. This part of the Rhine, indeed, presents a singularly variegated landscape.

The gold-covered domes of the churches, rising high above the massive ranges of palaces, were glittering brilliantly in the sunlight; the variegated shipping of the Neva was growing dim in the distance; the masses of foliage that crowned the islands were of tropical luxuriance, and the whole city, with its palaces, fortifications, and churches, seemed to rest upon the surface of the waters.

My general impression of the world I saw over their heads was a tangled waste of beautiful bushes and flowers, a long neglected and yet weedless garden. I saw a number of tall spikes of strange white flowers, measuring a foot perhaps across the spread of the waxen petals. They grew scattered, as if wild, among the variegated shrubs, but, as I say, I did not examine them closely at this time.

Madame Bonanni's career as an artist had been a long series of triumphs, but her past as a woman had been variegated, of the sort for which the French have invented a number of picturesquely descriptive expressions, such as 'leading the life of Punch, 'throwing one's cap over the windmills, and other much less elegant phrases.

Jane and her contingent were leaving the study hall when Shirley Duncan brushed up through their arm linked line. She was garbed in a baronet satin skirt of daring hue with an overblouse of variegated georgette. This as a school frock! At first glance Jane almost recoiled, then the possibility of delayed baggage suggested itself and softened her frown.

He held out toward Gavrilo something that he drew from his pocket. Gavrilo saw the variegated banknotes, and they assumed in his eyes all the colors of the rainbow. "Oh! And I thought you were boasting! How much?" "Five hundred and forty! Isn't that a good haul?" "Certain!" murmured Gavrilo, following with greedy eyes the five hundred and forty roubles as they again disappeared in the pocket. "Ah!

This change was the breaking up of the monotonous one-class society of the primitive community with its one agricultural interest, and the formation of a variegated many-class society with manifold interests, such as trade, handicraft, and politics. It was the awakening of Rome into a world-life out of her century-long undisturbed bucolic slumber.

They are propagated by grafting, and in most cases it is probable that all the numerous specimens of the same variety have been derived in this way from one primitive, aberrant individual. We may disregard variegated leaves, spotted or marked with white or yellow, because they are too inconstant types.

Malo; to the north, the variegated landscape of the Cotentin hills, valleys, woods, villages, churches, and châteaux smiling in the sunshine, the air melodious with the song of the lark and innumerable nightingales. Within the last few years house rent, though still cheap, has greatly increased; and the prices of provisions, which used to be so abundant from Granville and St.