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Aw never were so done o'er i' my life, wi' one thing an' another. So we co'de a- seein' Ann here; an' hoo made us a rare good baggin' th' lass did. See yo; aw wur fit to drop o'th flags afore aw geet that saup o' warm tay into mo aw wur for sure!

But out o'th' Court he knows he cannot pass At this dead time of night; But he believes he is i'th' Groves or Gardens, And thither he is gone to find him out. Alcan. This is no place to make a longer stay in, The King has many Spies about the Prince, 'Twere good you would retire to your Apartment. Gal. We'll take your Counsel, Sir. Good night, Brother. Phi.

Because I see another rais'd above me; Let him be great, and damn'd with all his Greatness. Pis. Thou mean'st Alcippus, who I think merits it. Alcan. What is't that thou cal'st Merit? He fought, it's true, so did you, and I, And gain'd as much as he o'th' Victory, But he in the Triumphal Chariot rode, Whilst we ador'd him like a Demi-God.

There's one of her scholars, a blacksmith he's above fifty year owd iv yo were to mention her name to him just now, he'd begin a-cryin', an' he'd ha' to walk eawt o'th heause afore he could sattle hissel'. Eh, hoo wur a fine woman; an' everything that hoo said wur so striking. Hoo writes to her scholars here, once a week; an' hoo wants 'em to write back to her, as mony on 'em as con do.

Thae never sees me weshin', doesto? I bought it for yo lasses; an' yo mun look after it yorsels. Tell some o'th men to get it into th' wesh-house. So they had it carried into th' wesh-house; an' when they geet it unpacked they were quite astonished to see a grand shinin' thing, made o' rose-wood, an' cover't wi' glitterin' kerly-berlys.

You see men cannot work with ony comfort among stuff o' this sort without summat substantial on. It rives poor shoon to pieces i' no time. They haven't been used to it as a rule. Now, this is one o'th' finest days we've had this year; an' you haven't sin what th' ground is like in bad weather. But you'd be astonished what a difference wet makes on this moor.

The old woman said, "Aw'm always forced to keep one o'th lasses a-whoam, for aw connot do a hond's turn." The children had been brought up to factory labour; but both they and their father had been out of work nearly twelve months. During that time the family had received relief tickets, amounting to the value of four shillings a week.

I should think a broker would not give half-a-crown for all the furniture we saw. The woman seemed simple-minded and very illiterate; and as she stood in the middle of the floor, looking vaguely round she said, "Aw can hardly ax yo to sit deawn, for we'n sowd o' th' things eawt o'th heawse for a bit o' meight; but there is a cheer theer, sich as it is; see yo; tak' that."

Away you prating knave. What? is he readie? Do. Alas, hee's almost dead. Ri. How? dead? Do. He has been troubled with a fitt o'th stone, Sir, all this night. Sweet gentleman he groanes, And sweates, and cannot Ri. What? Do. Make urine, Sir. Tho. I heard my Ladie has an excellent Receit to cure the Stone; she is a peece Of a rare Surgeon. Ri.

"Husht, my love," said the poor woman; "he'll not hurt tho'! Husht, now; he's noan beawn to touch tho'! He's noan o'th doctor, love. Come, neaw, husht; that's a good lass!" I gave the little thing a penny, and one way and another we soothed her fears, and she became silent; but the child still gazed at me with wild eyes, and the forecast of death on its thin face.