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And, if all worked according to schedule, the papers across the country would record the most daring raid across the border yet, blaming the whole affair on a detachment of Gringo-hating Mexican bandits and revolutionists." Virginia stared at him, half incredulously. But the look in Norton's eyes, the same look in Brocky Lane's, assured her. "Why do you wait then?" she asked sharply.

If you-all ain't glued there you might grab his grips an' tote them up to the ranchhouse. Tell the missus that I'll be along directly with the boss." Amusement over the Southern twang that marked Norton's speech filled Hollis. He had noticed it before and it had made plain to him the reason of Norton's unhurried movements, his slow humor, his habit of quiet scrutiny.

Concealed in the depths of his soul, there was, however, a hope fondly cherished, and a purpose half formed. A few weeks after the reception of Mr. Norton's letter, the Count de Rossillon died. Sitting, as usual, in his great purple-cushioned arm-chair, taking his afternoon nap, he expired so gently that Mrs.

I've seen him sit all day on a bench and never a bite pass his lips, and in the evening, when I invited him to dinner restaurant two blocks away have him say, 'Too much trouble, old man. Buy me a package of cigarettes instead. He was a Spencerian like you till Kreis turned him to materialistic monism. I'll start him on monism if I can. Norton's another monist only he affirms naught but spirit.

It will probably be the best way to employ a solicitor to watch the case at once, and I shall speak to Mr. Norton tomorrow, unless your father can send me any better advice by post. I hope it is not wicked to believe that the very fact of Mr. Norton's being concerned might lead to the notes finding themselves. 'Meantime, I am of course doing what I can.

"I have a very original opinion of people who laugh without any visible cause," remarked the latter, grinning reluctantly in the semi-darkness. Norton's reply was another cackle. They rode in silence for a long time. Then Norton spoke. "This is a great country," he said. Silence from Hollis, though taking a quick glance at him Norton again observed the puzzled grin on his face.

Major Stokes told us last evening that when he returned from the East a few weeks ago, he discovered that one of a pair of beautiful pistols that had been presented to him had been stolen, that some one had gone upstairs and taken it out of the case that was in a closet corresponding to mine, so that accounts for the footsteps I heard in that house the night the man entered Mrs. Norton's house.

Xerxes is frightened out of his senses; Sysigambis has sent an express to Luton to forbid Phraates coming to town to-morrow; Norton's impudence has forsaken him; Bishop Warburton is at this moment reinstating Mr.

Your two uncles will possibly be there too, to see that the poor, weak, and defenceless sister has fair play. So, you see, Miss, what company your smart challenge will draw together. Prepare for the day. You'll soon be called upon. Adieu, Mamma Norton's sweet child! I transcribed this letter, and sent it to my mother, with these lines: A very few words, my ever-honoured Mamma!

"Why don't you put your money into Gulf City and lose it, then?" replied Norton, nodding his head scornfully. "That'd be a good lesson for a rising young politician like you." Senator Langdon's secretary peered straight into Norton's eyes. "Because, Congressman," he said, "if I were to put my money in Gulf City perhaps I wouldn't lose it."