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"I was only thinking about that fire you started," returned the other quietly. "I don't see it now." "Well if you did?" "I was wondering whether it could reach that hollow." "I reckon that hollow could take care of any casual nat'rel fire that came boomin' along, and go two better every time!

"Quite nat'rel, Ishmael, since you are useful to everybody. And now, my lad, I'll go and send Sam up with your box. And when you have freshed up a bit you can come down to supper," said Gray, leaving Ishmael in possession of his room. In a few minutes after the negro Sam brought in the box that contained all Ishmael's worldly goods.

Philip," said the man, bowing obsequiously; and then muttered, as he went off, "Drat the nat'rel! He speaks to a poor man as if he warn't flesh and blood." "Does your father keep hunters?" asked Philip. No." "Why?" "Perhaps one reason may be, that he is not rich enough." "Oh! that's a pity. Never mind, we'll mount you, whenever you like to pay us a visit."

Philip," said the man, bowing obsequiously; and then muttered, as he went off, "Drat the nat'rel! He speaks to a poor man as if he warn't flesh and blood." "Does your father keep hunters?" asked Philip. No." "Why?" "Perhaps one reason may be, that he is not rich enough." "Oh! that's a pity. Never mind, we'll mount you, whenever you like to pay us a visit."

The unfortunate man began to sneeze, and manifest rather convulsive signs of recovery. At last he blurted out, "Dar now, dar now, Aun' Sheba, doan go on so. I'se gwine to bring in de kinlins right smart" "Bress de Lawd!" exclaimed Aun' Sheba, "dat soun' nat'rel. No popoplexy in dat ar kin' ob talk." Tobe and his allies exchanged significant glances.

"Aye, I sees, sir, plain enuff, though I'm a hass," said Masters at length. "But it ain't nat'rel, sir, anyhow; an' I misdoubts sich skeary things. I ain't been to sea forty years for nothin', Captain Applegarth, an' I fears sich a sight as that betokens some danger ahead as 'ill happen to us some time or other this voyage. Even started on a Friday, sir, as you knows on, sir!"