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She lived simply and solely for her own enjoyment, and never cared tuppence about either Eliot or his sister." "Oh, has he a sister?" The question sprang from Ann's lips without her own volition. "Yes. She was a very pretty girl, too, I remember." Ann's thoughts flew back to the day of the Fete des Narcisses, recalling the pretty woman whom she had observed driving with Eliot in the prize car.

Eliot laughed outright. "Did I, really? What a boor you must have thought me!" "Oh, I did" fervently. "And then there was the day of the Fetes des Narcisses, when I hit you with a rosebud by mistake. You glared at me as if I'd committed one of the seven deadly sins." "So you had if occupying the thoughts of a 'confirmed misogynist' who had forsworn women and all their ways counts as one of them!"

It was the day when the pretty lakeside town celebrated the Fete des Narcisses, and from the smallest street urchin, grabbing a bunch of narcissi in his grubby little hand and trying to induce the good-natured foreigner to purchase his wares, to the usually stolid hoteliers, vying with each other as to which of their caravanserais should blaze out into the most arresting scheme of decoration on the great occasion, the whole population was aquiver with an almost child-like sense of anticipation and delight.

It was true that upon, first recognising in his agent's sister the girl he had rescued from her difficulties on the night of the Fete des Narcisses he had appeared disconcerted and by no means pleased to renew the acquaintance. But afterwards he had thawed considerably, and had even suggested that they should be friends.

"On vient de nous donner une très jolie fête au château de Straberri: tout étoit tapissé de narcisses, de tulipes, et de lilacs; des cors de chasse, des clarionettes; des petits vers galants faits par des fées, et qui se trouvoient sous la presse; des fruits