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Lyon is at the bottom of all this, take my word for it; and if he doesn't get Edward into trouble before he's done with him, my name's not Grace Markland." "Trouble! What do you mean, Grace?" Another shade of anxiety flitted over the countenance of Mrs. Markland. "Don't you suppose that Edward's going to town every day has something to do with this Mr. Lyon?" "Mr.

Tell me, dame, come you from the New World?" "That's what it's sometimes called in the geographies," Rebecca stiffly replied. "I come from Peltonville, New Hampshire, myself. Perhaps I'd ought to introduce myself. My name's Rebecca Wise, daughter of Wilmot and Nancy Wise, both deceased."

"Well, I should think your name's good enough! No one need fear trusting your father's daughter for a few hundred dollars!" Mrs Moffatt protested, while the shopman waxed eloquent in protestation. Cornelia continued to write addresses on the various boxes, without troubling to answer, for the assiduous manner in which her friend advertised her parentage was already beginning to jar.

"Lordy, Boss," stuttered the now thoroughly frightened man, "Don't youall point that there thing mah way no mo'. Ah don't like hit Ah pointedly does not. Youall needn't be afraid of me." "Nobody's afraid of you, you big lummix!" declared Tom, now coming forward. "What's your name, anyhow?" he demanded. "Mah name's Doright Abraham Jefferson Davis Canaan. Ah don' know de rest ob it.

MacHewlett, is, like myself, in charge of one of the biggest mills in the country; here's Mossier Delmont of the great mill at Clermont-Ferrand, and Mr. Meyer from Germany. My own name's a plain one like myself but an honest one; it's John Thompson."

Now who do you suppose it is?" "It's for me. I'm sure it's for me," cried half a dozen voices. "Bella, my love, peep over the balusters, and see if you can't see the name," cried Louisa; and Bella, nothing loath, departed at once on this congenial errand. "No, I can't," she reported, coming back from the hall. "The name's tipped up against the wall. There's two boxes!

"An Indian or a real man could break out of there any night. There are three guards, who change off every eight hours. One of them is a tough customer. Name's Hill. He used to be an outlaw. The other two are lazy loafers round town. "Anybody but Jim in just now?" "I don't know. Matthews jailed a woman not long ago. He arrests somebody every day or so." "Where is this calaboose belonging to Mr.

Canadians have got grinding ice in theirs, and Virginians have got butter. So have the Irish. In Britain there are no voices, only speaking-tubes. It isn't safe to judge men by their accent only. You yourself I take to be Scotch, but for all I know you may be a senator from Chicago or a Boer General." "I'm from Glasgow. My name's Dickson McCunn."

It is so much bigger and nicer than that!" and the tiny arm was thrown caressingly around the gentle mother's neck, and the little lips were touching her cheek. "Blessings on her swate heart!" said Biddy, rising, by her mistress' permission, to get the blanket. "'Tis never the like of ye'll come to want, so shure as my name's Biddy Halligan, an' ye so free in your benivolence.

"I reckon I was, but you're all right. Shake!" And within Jason, won by the frank eyes and winning smile, the tumult died quickly, and he shook gravely. "My name's Burns Jack Burns." "Mine's Hawn Jason Hawn." The other turned away with a wave of his hand. "See you again." "Shore," said Jason, and then his breast heaved and his heart seemed to stop quite still.