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Before he was half way to the palisade two heads looked over it, and the muzzles of two long rifles were thrust toward him. "Don't shoot!" he cried. "I'm a friend and I bring warning! Don't you see I'm white?" It was hard in the darkness of night to see that one so brown as he was white, but the bearers of the rifles were impressed by his forcible words and withdrew their weapons.

"We are travelling to the port with the permission of King M'wanga and the Katikiro." "You are a liar!" replied Mujasi. Mujasi stood back and the soldiers rushed at the missionaries, dragged them to their feet and held the muzzles of their guns within a few inches of their chests. Mackay turned with his boys and marched back to the capital.

But the wicked looking muzzles of the army rifles and the look of determination in the faces of the boys who held them produced a change. Slowly the hands went up until all were raised above their heads. "Hold them there now," commanded Frank. "The first one who moves is a dead man."

"The brigands have more men than we, but we have 'em at the muzzles of our guns, and we mustn't miss them, or, by the Lord, we are not fit to be soldiers of the pope." By this time Gudin's keen eyes had discovered a few muzzles pointing through the branches at his little squad. Just then eight voices cried in derision, "Qui vive?" and eight shots followed.

The chest of drawers staggered with the impact. He raised his own gun, watched one of the jumping muzzles for an instant, and then tried a snap shot. The report of his revolver was bitten off short by the clang of metal; there was a shouted curse from the hallway. He had blown the gun cleanly out of the sharpshooter's hand. Before the amazed rumble from the hall died away, Sinclair had acted.

No wonder the fox couldn't reach the rabbits! They were as well protected from him as if they lived in a house of stone. There were all sizes of rabbits around him little ones scarcely able to hop around without falling over, big, husky fellows with fierce looking muzzles and eyes, and very old ones who seemed too feeble to move very fast.

A howl came from the road that they had left, a hundred sepoys had rushed down to block their passage the moment that their cheer had rung above the noise of battle. "Action front!" roared young Bellairs, and the muzzles swung round at the gallop, jerked into position by the wheeling teams. "With case, at four hundred!"

Captain FitzClarence was wounded, Vernon, Sandford, and Paton were killed, all at the very muzzles of the enemy's guns. It must have been one of the bitterest moments of Baden-Powell's life when he shut his field-glass and said, 'Let the ambulance go out!

Some of the men examined their priming and held the muskets at their hips all ready, with the muzzles towards the ship, while the coxswain and two men were throwing off their clothes. "Stop, for God's sake, stop!" cried Jack "The harbour is full of ground sharks it is, upon my soul!"

Once a year as long as the family lived in the Boy's Town, the children were anxious about Tip when the dog-law was put in force, and the constables went round shooting all the dogs that were found running at large without muzzles. At this time, when Tip was in danger of going mad and biting people, he showed a most unseasonable activity, and could hardly be kept in bounds.