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Let's trust the stream that bears us on its breast, Think not upon the sacrifice thou makest, Think on the prize, the goal that's to be won When thou shalt see thy daughter robed in state, In regal state, aloft on Moscow's throne, And thy son's sons the rulers of the world! MEISCHEK. I think of naught, see naught, but thee, my child, Girt with the splendors of the imperial crown.

During these adventures a stanza in his own unpublished version of Camoens constantly cheered him: "Amid such scenes with danger fraught and pain Serving the fiery spirit more to flame, Who woos bright honour, he shall ever win A true nobility, a deathless fame: Not they who love to lean, unjustly vain, Upon the ancestral trunk's departed claim; Nor they reclining on the gilded beds Where Moscow's zebeline downy softness spreads."

IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR. Let him stand forth before our throne! SENATORS. And speak! DEPUTIES. Yes, yes! Let him be heard! Write down, my lord, That here I do protest against this step, And all that may ensue therefrom, to mar The peace of Poland's state and Moscow's crown.

Both Vladimir Putin, Russia's president and Yuri Luzhkov, Moscow's mayor, now take the trouble to greet the capital's one million Muslims on the occasion of their Feast of Sacrifice. They also actively solicit the votes of the nationalist and elitist Muslims of the industrialized Volga mainly the Tatars, Bashkirs and Chuvash.

He stood in full view of the audience, well aware that he was attracting everyone's attention, yet as much at ease as though he were in his own room. Around him thronged Moscow's most brilliant young men, whom he evidently dominated. The count, laughing, nudged the blushing Sonya and pointed to her former adorer. "Do you recognize him?" said he.

So, as the distant voice of Moscow's great bell boomed its twelve strokes, Ivan rose, slowly, as one still in his dream; went for a moment into the mother-clasp; and then, still without speaking, turned to pass, for the last night, down the corridor leading to the distant wing in which were his own rooms.

But they had to avoid carrying the man upstairs, and so they took him into the wing and put him in the room that had been Madame Schoss'. This wounded man was Prince Andrew Bolkonski. Moscow's last day had come. It was a clear bright autumn day, a Sunday. The church bells everywhere were ringing for service, just as usual on Sundays. Nobody seemed yet to realize what awaited the city.

RAZLYULYÁYEV. Stay, girls, I'll sing you a song. ANNA IVÁNOVNA. Sing, sing! "A bear was flying through the sky." ANNA IVÁNOVNA. Don't you know anything worse than that! LÍZA. We might think you were making fun of us. "Beat! Beat! upon the board. Moscow! Moscow! that's the word. Moscow's got it in his head That Kolomna he will wed. Tula laughs with all his heart. But with the dowry will not part.

Of it Ivan now dreamed, incessantly; till, late in April, he entered into negotiations that were presently to electrify his household and that part of Moscow's population with whom he figured as something of a personage. It was the twenty-eighth of the month when Piotr, after a two-hour closeting with his master, flew to his fellows with astounding news.

Thus do I bring you, in this lovely pledge, High fortune's blooming goddess; and may these Old eyes be spared to see this gracious pair Sit in imperial state on Moscow's throne. MARINA. My liege, I humbly thank your grace, and shall Esteem me still your slave where'er I be. KING. Rise up, Czaritza!