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He would pay my bills, and, as a birthday gift, he would present me with a through ticket to Osage, in Montana where he owned a ranch called the Bay State and a stock-saddle, spurs, chaps, and a hundred dollars. After that I must work out my own salvation or the other thing.

"My dear sir," said Wheeler effusively, "I wouldn't do it for many persons, but I have taken a fancy to you." "You don't mean so?" said Pettigrew, appearing pleased? "Yes, I do, on my honor." "But I don't see why you should. You are a polished city gentleman and I am an ignorant miner from Montana." Louis Wheeler looked complacent when he was referred to as a polished city gentleman.

"They wasn't a sign of a Bible in the house," he stated, "but I found this here history of the United States, with the Declaration of Independence pasted into the back of it. I figured that ought to do about as well as a Bible." "You got a good head, Montana," said his honor. "Open up to that there Declaration.

"Hang it!" he said, briskly. "You shall have your chance. Talk like that will carry a man anywhere in this country. You shall stay here until you are strong again. Then some night I'll put you on your train for Montana. You want to ask questions. I'll save you the trouble by telling you what I know." But his narrative contained no mention of the emeralds. Why?

It has brought us to the point of expecting domestic science in all schools of agriculture and of regarding it as natural for the legislature of Montana to appropriate $50,000 to the State Agricultural College for a woman's dormitory.

These were the reapers of the harvest, and there was little risk in their game, although the stakes were high. I have said that I never owned a mining share. Well, I never did; but once I came close to owning a part share in what is now the richest copper mine on earth a mine that, with the Anaconda in Montana, almost determines the price of raw copper. I will tell you the tale.

We worked all around White Divide which was turning a pale, dainty green except where the sandstone cliffs stood up in all the shades of yellow and red. Montana, as viewed on "horse round-up," looks better than in the first bleak days of March, and I could gaze upon it without profanity.

Montana forbids company boarding-houses and Colorado makes the striking attempt to do away with the so-called dead line; that is to say, a statute forbidding any person to be discharged by reason of age, between the years of eighteen and sixty. California follows Maryland in abolishing the conspiracy law, both as applied to employers and employees.

"He doesn't belong to this state," the youthful driver answered. "I think he comes from Montana. His name is Bad Pete." "Pete?" mused Tom Reade aloud. "That's short for Peter, I suppose; not a very interesting or romantic name. What's the hind-leg of his name?" "Meaning his surnames" drawled the driver. "Yes; to be sure." "I don't know that he has any surname, friend," the Colorado boy rejoined.

The trail had been established as far north as Montana, capital by the millions was seeking investment in ranching, and everything augured for a brighter future. That very summer the trail had absorbed six hundred and fifty thousand cattle, or possibly ten per cent of the home supply, which readily found a market at army posts, Indian agencies, and two little cow towns in the North.