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Wanted to buy a most interesting missal, quite unique in its way, offered me by Menotti and Cicolari, dirt cheap, for three thousand guineas. It's quite a gem of late miniaturist art vellum folio, with borders and head-pieces by Giulio Clovio. A marvellous bargain! 'Giulio Clovio, said Lord Exmoor, doubtfully. 'Who was he? Never heard of him in my life before.

Her "Styrian Maiden" belongs to the Austrian Emperor, and is in Gödöllö castle. Her portraits are seen at many exhibitions, and art critics mention her with respect. <b>LEMAIRE, MME. JEANNE-MADELEINE.</b> Honorable mention, 1877; silver medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Born at Sainte Rosseline. Pupil of an aunt, who was a miniaturist, and later of Chaplin.

Compared with such a picture as The Choice of a Model, the most laboriously minute Meissonier is as cold and dead as a photograph Meissonier, who was a capital fan painter, a patient miniaturist without colour talent, a myopic delineator of costumes, who, as Manet said, pasted paper soldiers on canvas and called the machine a battle-field.

But in the reign of this king some native artists made names for themselves, and what we call the English school of painting may really be dated from this time. Before speaking of painters I must mention one miniaturist whose works were in demand in other countries, as well as in England. He painted likenesses of many eminent persons, and his works now have an honorable place in many collections.

Cosway's portrait of herself, first state, brought $1,300, and a second one $200 less. <b>COUDERT, AMALIA KÜSSNER.</b> Born in Terre Haute, Indiana. This distinguished miniaturist writes me that she "never studied." Like Topsy, she must have "growed."

The book was once the property of Archbishop Tenison. These few pages show to the world the most perfect example of the delicacy and skill of the miniaturist. On one page, a little archer, after having pulled his bow-string, stands at the foot of the border, gazing upwards after the arrow, which has been caught in the bill of a stork at the top of the page.

Many pictures by Van der Weyden are seen in European galleries. He was also a fine miniaturist. He was official painter to the city of Brussels, and was buried in its cathedral. His son, ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN the younger, became very rich and benevolent. He died at Brussels in 1529. His works are not numerous in public galleries.

The apple scandal and the angel with the flaming sword are portrayed with a vivid line that recalls the miniaturist. A rare painter. Roeland Savery is an artist whose name, we confess, was not known to us until we saw his work in the Rijks. The rich pâte and bouquet-like quality of his colour recall Monticelli.

Parrots of every size, who seem painted with minute care by the miniaturist, God Almighty, and the little birds, all the smaller birds hopped about, yellow, blue and variegated, mingling their cries with the noise of the quay; and adding to the din caused by unloading the vessels, as well as by passengers and vehicles, a violent clamor, loud, shrill and deafening, as if from some distant forest of monsters.

"That is probably the work of Vinesse," said Pierre, mentioning a celebrated miniaturist, and he leaned over the table to take the snuffbox while trying to hear what was being said at the other table. He half rose, meaning to go round, but the aunt handed him the snuffbox, passing it across Helene's back. Helene stooped forward to make room, and looked round with a smile.