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The same Poet, therefore, who, almost without a precedent, has said patris mei MEUM FACTUM pudet, instead of meorum factorum, and textitur exitium examen rapit for exitiorum, does not choose to say liberum, as we generally do in the expressions cupidos liberum, and in liberum loco, but, as the literary virtuosos above-mentioned would have it,

But where it rises to its height, in the lines familiar to all who know Latin, it is unsurpassed in any poetry for grace and tenderness. Nunc tibi commendo communia pignora natos; Haec cura et cineri spirat inusta meo. Fungere maternis vicibus pater: illa meorum Omnis erit collo turba fovenda tuo. Oscula cum dederis tua flentibus, adice matris; Tota domus coepit nunc onus esse tuum.

Commentators are of opinion, that the Achilleis was left incomplete by the death of the author; but this is extremely improbable, from various circumstances, and appears to be founded only upon the word Hactenus, in the conclusion of the poem: Hactenus annorum, comites, elementa meorum Et memini, et meminisse juvat: scit caetera mater.

But he seemed to have forgotten that the same verse which contains "oblitus meorum," contains also "obliviscendus et illis." The brittle chain of worldly friendship and patronage is broken as effectually, when one goes beyond the length of it, as when the other does. To the vessel which is sailing from the shore, it only appears that the shore also recedes; in life it is truly thus.

Very likely it may be right, but were our ancestors ignorant of all this, or was it usage that gave them this liberty? Therefore the same poet who had used these uncommon contractions "Patris mei mecûm factûm pudet," for meorum factorum, and, "Texitur: exitiûm examen rapit," for exitiorum,