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It was first given to him by Byron during a reading of "Faust". When he came to the line of Mephistopheles, "Wie meine Muhme, die beruhmte Schlange," and translated it, "My aunt, the renowned Snake," Byron cried, "Then you are her nephew." Shelley by no means resented the epithet. Indeed he alludes to it in his letters, and in a poem already referred to above.

Nominative Mein gutER Freund, my good friend. Genitives MeinES GutEN FreundES, of my good friend. Dative MeinEM gutEN Freund, to my good friend. Accusative MeinEN gutEN Freund, my good friend. N. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends. G. MeinER gutEN FreundE, of my good friends. D. MeinEN gutEN FreundEN, to my good friends. A. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends.

The cold milk was very refreshing but the room grew stifling as they all sat round near the little centre table with the French window nearly closed, shutting off the summer-house and garden. Everybody in turn seemed to be saying "Ik kenne meine Tasse sie ist svatz." Bertha had begun it, holding up her white glass of milk as she took it from the tray and exactly imitating the housekeeper's voice.

Her investments in railway and mining securities, if put on the market, should be worth a million of florins. These are solid matters, and must be dealt with carefully." "But, good gracious, Prince Wolfburgh!" cried Miss Vance, "how did you find out about Lucy's investments?" He looked at her in amazement. "Meine gnadigste Fraulein!

Yea, his poor Kate was a good lass, but she was only a Flemish woman and hadn't the sense to rear aught but a whining little wench, who was of no good except to turn fools' heads, and she was wedded and past all that by this time. Stephen explained that she was wedded to one of the Lord Cardinal's meine.

"In his attitude to the Court actors and actresses he displays the charm of manner which bewitches all with whom he comes in contact. He calls them 'meine Schauspieler, which makes one think of 'His Majesty's Servants' of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. This practice sometimes has amusing results. Once when the Theatre Royal comedian, Dr.

Come now, mine honest fellow, aid me to rake, as thou sayest, this same household. They are come up from the Forest, to seek out their uncle, one Randall, who they have heard to be in this meine. Knowest thou such a fellow?" "To seek a spider in a stubble-field! Truly he needs my bauble who sent them on such an errand," said the jester, rather slowly, as if to take time for consideration.

Ella sprang to her feet and bent over the girl with trembling eagerness. "You keep my secret, meine liebe?" "Yes yes " "I never tell a soul on earth what I tell you now I just eat my heart out and keep still all the years, I can tell you ja?" "Yes, I'll keep it sacred go on " "When I know he gouge my eye out, I go wild. I get my hand on his throat and choke him still.

The mother was the first to recognize the voice, and rushing forward she caught her child in her arms, murmuring in her own language: "Mein Kind! Mein Kind! Gott sei Dank!" My child! "Mein lieber Nellie! Komm an mein Herz! Kannst du es sein?" Come to my heart! "O meine abtrünnige Schwester! Wie du uns erschreckt hast! Wie es mich freut dich zu finden!" What a scare you have given us!

John Duncan, of the New College, asked his daughter, one Sabbath when she had come home from church full of praise of a sermon she had just heard on sanctification. Dr. Duncan was perhaps the deepest divine this century has seen in Edinburgh; and his divinity took its depth from the same study and the same exercise that Rutherford recommended to John Meine. Dr.