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'Of course the end of all is death, but we will go a-Maying first, come October, and let the world break over us when it must. We are for Maying now, my rose of all the world! It was as if he meant more than he said, as if he saw what would come in that October which all New France never forgot, when, as he said, the world broke over them. "The next morning the Baron called Garoche to him.

Hand in hand with his keen poetic sensibility goes a vivid sense of humor, two traits that commonly, indeed, are found Maying together over the meadows of imagination. For, as it might be put, "The heart that is soonest awake to the flowers Is also the first to be touched by the fun." The Far Oriental well exemplifies this fact. His art, wherever fun is possible, fairly bubbles over with laughter.

But the effect was more beautiful with something melodious and somewhat slow; and there came to her mind an old-fashioned song which, as a girl, she had often sung with her mother: "Oh! that we two were maying Down the stream of the soft spring breeze." She sang the stanza through, softly, walking up and down among the pines.

Purcell recalled our gracious English landscape, and English life, "When Myra sings we seek the enchanting sound"; and Thomas Morley with "Now is the month of maying." Then there was rollicking Tom Bateson, of Dublin, with his alluring "Come follow me, fair nymphs!" And the Bohemian audience were loud in generous applause.

A famous and a most singularly beautiful example of this reflorescence as in a Saint Martin's summer of undecaying genius is the exquisite and crowning love-scene in the opera or "ballet-tragedy" of Psyche, written in his sixty-fifth year by the august Roman hand of Pierre Corneille; a lyric symphony of spirit and of song fulfilled with all the colour and all the music that autumn could steal from spring if October had leave to go a Maying in some Olympian masquerade of melody and sunlight.

"In regard to the maiden," said he, smiling and shaking his head, "it is not always the handsomest that win us the most, while fair Meg went a maying, black Meg got to church; and I give thee more reasonable warning than thy timbrel-girls, when, in spite of thy cold language, I bid thee take care of thyself against her attractions; for, verily, my dear foster-brother, thou must mend and not mar thy fortune, by thy love matters; and keep thy heart whole for some fair one with marks in her gipsire, whom the earl may find out for thee.

The gaiety of his nature drew itself from hot-springs of hopefulness: our arrival in England, our interviews there, my majority Burgundy, my revisitation of Germany these events to come gave him the aspect children wear out a- Maying or in an orchard.

A far more delightful way of spending the evening is to go straight from dinner to the drawing-room and have a little music. It calms the mind to listen to your wife's niece singing, "Oh, that we two were Maying!" Even if you are not musical, as is the case with me, there is a great deal in the drawing-room to refresh you.

"If ye will but wipe your faces clean." At the shout of laughter they sent up the constable of the cloth-men's ward awoke from a sudden dream of war and bloody insurrection, and came down Cheapside bawling, "Peace, in the name of the Queen!" But when he found it was only the apprentices of Mincing Lane out Maying, he stole away around a shop, and made as if it were some other fellow.

I thought I should like to probe this personal light myself, and by inquiring of one or two of the members of the body, learn what they thought of the matter. I was half inclined to array myself in drab, and tutoyer the first of the body I chanced to encounter in my walks abroad. But then it occurred to me how very seldom one did meet a Quaker nowadays except in the "month of Maying."