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No judge upon the bench, nor bishop in his stall, could be more impressive than this gardener was, when he subdued the vast volume of his voice to a low grave utterance of this sort. Dodd began to be uneasy. "Why, good heavens, there is nothing wrong with the old Barkington Bank?" "Nothing wrong?" roared Maxley: then whispered': "Holt!

I was laad once for slander, and cost me thirty pounds: nearly killed my missus it did." "Man!" cried Dodd, "for my children's sake tell me if you know anything amiss. After all, I'm like a stranger here; more than two years away at a time." "I'll tell you all I know," whispered Maxley, "'tis the least I can do. "Oh, bother all that now," said Dodd impatiently.

In James Maxley all was ponderous: his head was huge, his mouth, when it fairly opened, revealed a chasm, and thence issued a voice naturally stentorian by its volume and native vigour; but, when the owner of this incarnate bassoon had a mind to say something sagacious, he sank at once from his habitual roar to a sound scarce above a whisper; a contrast mighty comical to hear, though on paper nil.

Laws! how things do come round surely: why, lookee here now; if so be you hadn't been a good friend to he, he wouldn't be where he is; and if so be he warn't where he is, he couldn't have writ me this here, and then where should you and I be?" "Belay your jaw and show me this letter," cried David, trembling all over. "That I wool," said Maxley, diving a hand into his pocket.

All this time Alfred, after the first start of joyful surprise, was secretly thanking his stars for sending him an instrument. To learn whether she had returned, he asked Maxley whether the ladies had sent for him. "Not they," said Maxley, rather contemptuously; "what do women-folk care about a border, without 'tis a lace one to their nightcaps, for none but the father of all vanity to see.

And not to fall behind the gentry in a great and useful department of intelligence, he made precisely one mouthful of each sandwich. Mrs. Dodd was secretly amazed, and, taking care not to be noticed by Maxley, said confidentially, "Monsieur avait bien raison; le souris a passe: par la."

The bank broke on a Tuesday: Maxley dug on impassive; and when curious people came about him to ask whether he was a loser, he used to inquire very gravely, and dwelling on every syllable, "Do you see anything green in this ere eye." Friday was club day; the clubsmen met at the "Greyhound" and talked over their losses.

I see, going to make a purchase. By-the-bye, I believe Mr. Hardie means to offer you some grounds he is buying outside the town: will that suit your book?" "I dare say it will, sir." "Then perhaps you will wait till our governor comes in?" "I have no objection." "He won't be long. Fine weather for the gardens, Mr. Maxley." "Moderate, sir. I'll take my money if you please.

Man alive, I've got 'a rosy-cheeked miser, and an 'ill-used attorney, and an 'honest Screw' he is a gardener, with a head like a cart-horse." "Mamma! mamma! that is Mr. Maxley," cried Julia, clapping her hands, and thawing in her own despite. "Then there's my virgin martyr and my puppy. They are brother and sister; and there's their father, but he is an impenetrable dog won't unbosom.

And have no words with your husband, or he'll outlive you; it's his only chance of getting the last word. Care killed a cat, a nanimal with eight lives more than a chatterbox. If you worry or excite your brain, little Maxley, you will cook your own goose by a quick fire." "Dear heart, these be unked sayings. Won't ye give me nothing to make me better, sir?"