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Give me hold of the book a minute." After some whispered gabbling, assisted by the beating of his fist on the table, Tom returned the book. "Mascula nomina in a," he began. "No, Tom," said Maggie, "that doesn't come next. It's Nomen non creskens genittivo "

Saloup was a decoction made from the Orchis mascula root, a common meadow plant, or else from Sassafras, and was at one time sold in the streets as a drink before the introduction of tea and coffee.

The tradition of such a healthy rearing remained in the memory of the Romans, and associated itself with the Sabines of central Italy, the type of men who could be called frugi: rusticorum mascula militum proles, Sabellis docta ligonibus versare glebas et severae matris ad arbitrium recisos portare fustis. It was an education also in demeanour, and especially in obedience and modesty.

The only question is, whom you will get to put into them." "True," said the squire, with much gravity. "Yes, there it is!" said the parson, mournfully. "If you would but learn 'non quieta movere'!" "Don't spout your Latin at me, Parson," cried the squire, angrily; "I can give you as good as you bring, any day. "'Propria quae maribus tribuuntur mascula dicas.

And where formerly the Orchis latifolia, Orchis mascula, and Juncus communis grew in mingled confusion, nothing but water, moss, and the spreading roots of alder cover the ground. As the rush disappears, many birds that for generations have inhabited that marsh must seek accommodation elsewhere.

Birds seek their nests when the night falls beasts hasten to their lairs man bolts his door. `Propria quae maribus, as Herodotus hath it; which, when translated, means, that `such is the nature of mankind. `Tribuuntur mascula dicas, `Tell me your troubles, as Homer says."

The Englishman, pleased with my reasoning, wrote down the following old couplet, and gave it to me to read: 'Dicite, grammatici, cur mascula nomina cunnus, Et cur femineum mentula nomen habet. After reading it aloud, I exclaimed, "This is Latin indeed." "We know that," said my mother, "but can you explain it?"

The Englishman, pleased with my reasoning, wrote down the following old couplet, and gave it to me to read: 'Dicite, grammatici, cur mascula nomina cunnus, Et cur femineum mentula nomen habet. After reading it aloud, I exclaimed, "This is Latin indeed." "We know that," said my mother, "but can you explain it?"

Birds seek their nests when the night falls beasts hasten to their lairs man bolts his door. 'Propria quæ maribus, as Herodotus hath it; which, when translated, means, that 'such is the nature of mankind. 'Tribuuntur mascula dicas' 'Tell me your troubles, as Homer says."

"The sitting down when school was o'er, Upon the threshold of the door, Picking from mallows, sport to please, The crumpled seed we call a cheese." I asked him if he knew the plant. Again, in the same locality, children speaking of the dead-man's thumb, one of the popular names of the Orchis mascula, tell one another with mysterious awe that the root was once the thumb of some unburied murderer.