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"Up at Fat Pine they got what they call a mascot, bein' a tame b'ar; an' up at Horseshoe they got a mascot, bein' a goat. Lots of camps have 'em fetches luck. And the boys are sure that this baby of yours was designed special to be Beetle Ring's mascot. Now, pard, Beetle Ring, as you know, ain't what you'd call a Sunday-school, but the boys they'll behave.

Sally was his strength, his support, his inspiration, his bulwark of defence; Nancy was the charm he wore about his neck his mascot, he called her. Once, when she was ill, he had suffered as he had never done before in his life. He could not sleep nor eat, and went about his duties like one in a dream.

"Now, then," demanded Cooley, "are the ladies goin' to play?" "Never!" cried Madame de Vaurigard. "All right," said the youth cheerfully; "you can look on. Come and sit by me for a mascot." "You'll need a mascot, my boy!" shouted Pedlow. "That's right, though; take her." He pushed a chair close to that in which Cooley had already seated himself, and Madame de Vaurigard dropped into it, laughing.

He plugged up the only really weak place on the team, and made the line twenty per cent. stronger than it had been without him. For all these reasons the team felt itself unbeatable, and were eager for the hour to come when they might prove it. Even Dan, the old bulldog that served the team as a mascot, moved about with unusual alacrity and seemed to have caught the contagion.

He even tempted Fate so far as to throw an old rubber after us as we departed, instead of an old shoe, to bring us luck according to the Rain Jinx. It landed in the tonneau of our car and Sahwah pounced upon it as a favorable omen and kept it for a mascot. With a great cheering and waving of handkerchiefs we were off.

At the hour set for the fight the grinning sailors appeared at the cockpit with their "chicken," the mascot of the destroyer a large American eagle! Ensued, of course, a torrent of protest and remonstrance, but the money was already up and the bluejackets demanded action.

"Does he always run things like this?" "Always!" "But why does old Blumenfield listen to him?" "Nobody seems to know. It may be pure fatherly love, or he may regard him as a mascot. My own idea is that he thinks the kid has exactly the amount of intelligence of the average member of the audience, and that what makes a hit with him will please the general public.

"They shall applaud you, mon vieux, I promise you." He laughed. Again her faith touched him deeply. "You have not changed since our first meeting in the Restaurant Garden at Avignon. You are always my mascot, Elodie!" The menacing thunder broke in the night, and all the next day it rained pitilessly.

He had somewhat recovered from his wound now, and rode in his old place at the head of the column, where he was the centre of interest to every one. The men congratulated him on having proved such an excellent mascot, and he laughed and talked with them until he was tired.

"No, no, I shall not take your little black doll of the four thousand years. Keep it for a mascot. A great singer always needs a mascot. But do not, I command you, take it out of the box till I am gone, for if I were to see it again, I might not be able to resist the temptation. Some day I shall show you my dolls, but there is not such a gem among them."