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Orme did not reply. The Japanese who had brought the prospectuses from the tonneau now stepped to Maku's assistance, for Orme had made a motion of the body which showed that he was rapidly losing his patience. "Queek!" Still no answer. "Ha!" The exclamation had a ring of triumph. "Mees have um!" He nodded toward the car where the girl still sat. "No," exclaimed Orme vehemently. "She has not."

"I have taken this car for a week on trial, and if it proves satisfactory we can keep it all winter." A chauffeur drove the car, and Mr. Farrington sat in the tonneau between the two girls, that he might point out to them the places of interest. If Patty had thought Paris beautiful by night she thought it even more so in the clear, bright sunshine.

"Let her rip!" "Will she stand it?" asked Larry, shouting the words over his shoulder to Grace and Fritsch in the tonneau. "Sure!" There was a grinding noise as Larry threw in the high-speed gear. The auto hung back for an instant because of the sudden change. The motor seemed to groan at the unexpected load thrown on it.

She closed her eyes to keep back the tears, and the car rolled gently down the grade into the valley. From the tonneau she could catch snatches of the conversation between her father and the potato baron; they were discussing the agricultural possibilities of the valley, and she realized, with a little twinge of outrage, that its wonderful pastoral beauty had been quite lost on them.

And she laughed outright, disclosing two exquisite rows of pearls, her soft, dark eyes half closing mischievously as she entered my door eyes as black as her hair, which she wore in a bandeau. The tonneau growled to its improvised garage under the wood-shed.

Save for lack of spurs and chaps and revolver he might have been a moving-picture cowboy. The spurs alone were lacking from the picture of a real one. He deposited my bag in the tonneau, urged me into a front seat, and crowded himself behind the wheel. The effect was that of a grown-up in a go-cart. This particular brand of tin car had not been built for this particular size of man.

And she unlatched the door of the tonneau and motioned him to enter. The return of Pablo Artelan to the hacienda with his employer's prisoner was a silent and dignified one up to the moment they reached the entrance to the palm avenue. Here the prisoner, apparently having gathered together his scattered wits, turned in the saddle and addressed his guard.

A touring-car, with its powerful head-lights paling the white radiance of the moon, was drawn up at the steps, and he had a glimpse of a big man, swathed from head to heel in a dust-coat, descending from the tonneau. "I suppose that will be 'Mahsteh Majah," he mused sleepily. "That's why the little lady was sitting up so late she was waiting for him."

The youthful chauffeur drove smoothly and well; he had not much knowledge of the countryside; but as Jack knew every turn by heart, having frequently bicycled over the route, no delay was caused, and a merrier party of Christmas revellers could not have been found than the four occupants of the tonneau.

"Well, did you ever hear such Frank, don't you think we'd better get started before he says anything worse?" and Betty turned appealingly to Frank. "Just as you say," he answered obligingly, and at his words the great car glided noiselessly down the drive and out into the street. "Where to?" called Will from the tonneau. "How about a little spin in the country, Frank?"