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When Don Quixote, carried away by his feelings like a Sicilian facchino, came to the assistance of Don Gayferos by drawing his sword and attacking the Moorish puppets, he broke up Master Peter's company in a very literal sense, and had to pay four and a half reals for King Marsilio of Saragossa and five and a quarter for the Emperor Carlo Magno; but it is not clear how large or how splendid they were.

"totamque infusa per artus Mens agitat molem, et magno se corpore miscet." War, on their own soil and at their own doors, was, indeed, a strange work to the yeomanry of New England; but their consciences were convinced of its necessity, their country called them to it, and they did not withhold themselves from the perilous trial.

Thus we baptized our friendship and in a fresh bottle drank to its eternal continuance. He then became Carlo Magno again and declared that I was padrone of the theatre, and that if I did not come every night to see him act, and to supper afterwards, there would be an eruption of Mount Etna and he would never speak to me again.

GRANDEM NATU: although the phrases maior, maximus, parvus, minor, minimus natu are of frequent occurrence, yet magnus natu is not Latin, grandis natu being always used instead. The historians sometimes use magno natu esse or in magno natu esse. ANNO POST: the word unus is not usually attached to annus except where there is a strong contrast between one and a larger number of years.

'Enfin', to use a very coarse and vulgar saying, 'il y a de la merde au bout du baton, quelque part'. I see and hear these storms from shore, 'suave mari magno', etc.

After three or four had been hooked up, the first operator could hang up the rest, and as soon as the two rows were in their places Carlo Magno entered in front and addressed them in a majestic voice.

When I come home I look out of the small window; the landscape is magnificent: about twenty yards of virgin soil with Spring grass on it and the barn on the horizon. Behind the fence, over which I see the tops of the heads of passers-by. "Suave mari magno turbantibus aequora ventis spectare laborem...." I forget how it runs further! My latin gets weak.

MAGNO ARGUMENTO: ‛ικανον τεκμηριον in Pl. Phaed. 72 A. Belief in the immortality of the soul naturally follows the acceptance of the doctrine of pre-existence. HOMINES SCIRE etc.: See Plato, Phaedo, 72 E-73 B. The notion that the souls of men existed before the bodies with which they are connected has been held in all ages and has often found expression in literature.

And in strict conformity with these obvious distinctions, it will be found that, so far as we are able to reduce scientific men of anti-Catholic opinions to the type of the imaginary bookworm to whom I have been alluding, we do actually use them in our schools. Vix defessa senem passus componere membra, Cum clamore ruit magno, manicisque jacentem Occupat.

Underneath each of these pyramids is a small collateral passage for persons on foot. The arch is ornamented with two bas-reliefs: the one facing the city represents the passage of the Rhine; and the other, the capture of Maestricht. On the frieze on both sides LUDOVICO MAGNO was formerly to be read, in large characters of gilt bronze.