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Why, when I started in, I had the dreariest, deadliest details imaginable. And after that, for a weary time, I did the police and divorce courts. But it all came well in the end and did me good. You are luckier in making your start with Sunday work. It's not particularly great. What of it? Do it. Show the stuff you're made of, and you'll get a call for better work better class and better pay.

Here's a thousand dollars; they're yours for picking up and you take no risk. If you refuse and hold down the contract, you'll certainly go broke." "It's possible," said Carrie. "All the same, we mean to hold it down." Probyn shrugged. "Then I quit. If you can put the job over, you're luckier than I think." He went off and Carrie sat down. "Looks as if I came along when I was needed.

Colonel Lionel Chinn served thirty years and retired. In the Canal his steamer passed the outward-bound troop-ship, carrying his son eastward to the family duty. The Chinns are luckier than most folk, because they know exactly what they must do. A clever Chinn passes for the Bombay Civil Service, and gets away to Central India, where everybody is glad to see him.

You know how rich the Marquise has made me while I believe Fareham is a kind of modern Croesus, though we do not boast of his wealth, for all that is most substantial in his fortune comes from his mother, whose father was a great merchant trading with Spain and the Indies, all through James's reign, and luckier in the hunt for gold than poor Raleigh. Never must you talk to me of obligation.

By whom they were killed, as I write now, no one knows, and as regards Lord Frederick one can hardly guess the reason. He had come over to Ireland on that very day, to take the place which his luckier predecessor had just vacated, and had as yet done no service, and excited no vengeance in Ireland.

Mark laughed he could not help it but it was a laugh of real enjoyment, without the slightest trace of pique or wounded vanity in it. 'I'll make a confession, he said. 'I do think myself that the book has been luckier than it deserves only, as the the man who wrote it is a a very old friend of mine you see, I mustn't join in abusing it. Mabel heard this and liked Mark the better for it.

Jolly good times, and jolly good wishes, A jolly good party with jolly good dishes. Every one happy and everything bright, Good Luck is here and bad Luck out of sight. 'Tis the luckiest day that ever was seen, For Marjorie Maynard is just thirteen!" "Oh, Cousin Jack, what a beautiful birthday poem! I'm sure there couldn't be a luckier little girl than I! I've got everything!"

"Better should I deem it," said Thorstein, "if they were slenderer and somewhat luckier withal." Grettir said, "True it is, as folk say, <i>No man makes himself</i>; but let me see thine arms," said he. Thorstein did so; he was the longest and gauntest of men; and Grettir laughed, and said,

The overtaking of such a train was a thing of magnificent nothing for the long-strided engine, and as the flying express passed its weaker brother, one heard one or two feeble and immature puffs from the other engine, saw the fireman wave his hand to his luckier fellow, saw a string of foolish, clanking flat-cars, their freights covered with tarpaulins, and then the train was lost to the rear.

Backed by his fortune, he could afford to wait results which enterprising persons who involve themselves are forced to abandon to luckier successors. Du Bousquier now posed as a banker. This miniature Lafitte was a partner in all new enterprises, taking good security. He served himself while apparently serving the interests of the community.