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It was plain, from chance words which one caught now and then, that Cauchon and Loyseleur were insisting upon the application of the torture, and that most of the others were urgently objecting. Finally Cauchon broke out with a good deal of asperity in his voice and ordered Joan back to her dungeon. That was a happy surprise for me. I was not expecting that the Bishop would yield.

Loyseleur, Châtillon, and Morice were sent to visit her the evening before, to promise her that, if she would submit and quit her man's dress, she should be delivered out of the hands of the English, and placed in those of the Church. This fearful farce was enacted in the cemetery of St.

They stood elbow to elbow, on each side of Joan's road, and walled it in all the way; and behind these living walls knelt the multitudes. By and by a frantic man in priest's garb came wailing and lamenting, and tore through the crowd and the barriers of soldiers and flung himself on his knees by Joan's cart and put up his hands in supplication, crying out: "O forgive, forgive!" It was Loyseleur!

As she entered the gate, drooping with exhaustion, there was that creature Loyseleur at her side with his head bent to her ear.

Two voted with the Bishop and insisted upon the torture. These two were Loyseleur and the orator the man whom Joan had bidden to "read his book" Thomas de Courcelles, the renowned pleader and master of eloquence. Age has taught me charity of speech; but it fails me when I think of those three names Cauchon, Courcelles, Loyseleur. Hog, pig.

So all Rouen laughed again, and kept it up for three days, saying: "The sow has littered six times, and made six messes of it." And the palace walls got a new decoration a mitered hog carrying a discarded rack home on its shoulder, and Loyseleur weeping in its wake. Many rewards were offered for the capture of these painters, but nobody applied.

Here you have the black heart of Cauchon at the blackest, here you have the proof that in his nature there was no such thing as pity. One wonders if he ever knew his mother or ever had a sister. Cauchon was there, and the Vice-Inquisitor and the Abbot of St. Corneille; also six others, among them that false Loyseleur.

All this refers to Joan's secret interview with the King held apart, though two or three others were present. It was known through Loyseleur, of course that this sign was a crown and was a pledge of the verity of Joan's mission. But that is all a mystery until this day the nature of the crown, I mean and will remain a mystery to the end of time.

Have you noticed that somehow or other the questioners usually knew just how and were to search for Joan's secrets; that they really knew the bulk of her privacies a fact not suspected by her and that they had no task before them but to trick her into exposing those secrets? Do you remember Loyseleur, the hypocrite, the treacherous priest, tool of Cauchon?

There were other promises, but that one would answer, without the others; and that one could be made to destroy her. Loyseleur pressed forward and praised her for having done "such a good day's work." But she was still dreamy, she hardly heard. Then Cauchon pronounced the words which dissolved the excommunication and restored her to her beloved Church, with all the dear privileges of worship.