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The tanks moved ahead steadily until the slope of the mound began to rise sharply and the runners of grass, instead of flattening obediently behind, curled and twisted grotesquely as the tracks passed over them, lightly slapping at the impervious steel sides. Small bunches, mutilated and crushed, sprang back into erectness, larger ones flopped limply as their props were pushed aside.

"There are times," said Adam queerly, "when you've an open-hearted, understanding way about you. I believe you even know why I get drunk." "Yes," said Kenny, "I think I do." Adam dropped hack limply in his chair. "It's because," he whispered, "I've got to sleep!" Startled at his manner, Kenny remembered the fairy mill and wondered. Kenny began his truth crusade the next night.

We can let ourselves out." When the two policemen were out of the room, Mrs. De Peyster and Matilda collapsed into each others' arms and their bodies sank limply forward from their chairs upon the dining-table. "Matilda, what an escape!" shivered Mrs. De Peyster; and she lay there, gathering breath, regathering strength, regathering poise, while the officers' steps grew dimmer and more dim.

A figure was seated on the hearth against the chimney, and the firelight was playing over the face and hair. The lips were parted, and the head hung limply to the breast. The clothes were torn to rags, and one shoulder was bare. Through the upper flesh of it and close to the neck was an ugly burrow clotted with blood. The boy was asleep.

There Uncle Denny found Jim, still white and shaken, dressing slowly. "What happened to you, me boy?" asked Uncle Denny, looking at him keenly. Jim sat limply on the edge of a cot and told Dennis what had happened. "The low scoundrel!" roared Uncle Denny. "Leave me get at him!" Jim caught the purple-faced Irishman by the arm. "You are to say nothing to anyone, Uncle Denny.

Only when it reached the middle of the open space and was almost directly below him did he see the man, lying forward over the withers, with his arms weakly clinging to the horse's neck and his legs swaying limply as they dangled with the feet out of the stirrups. Of its own accord the horse stopped. The man painfully pushed himself up until he was able to turn his head and look from side to side.

His left arm hung limply by his side and Fisher privately gathered that the hand had got loose from the detaining pocket without its owner being aware of the fact. He pushed open the door and announced, "Mr.

No, it is water I hear! There it is! How cool it looks!" Dick rose and staggered toward the cliff. In his delirium of thirst he saw streams of water gush down the mountainside. Holding out his arms, he cried: "Saved, saved!" His hands fell limply by his sides as the illusion faded. He then doubled them into fists, and shook them at the cliff in a last defiance of despair.

When I got there " As if to shut out some terrible sight, he screened his eyes with one palsied hand, and sank back limply into Colonel Cummings' arms. Lounsbury swept the cot clean of maps, and they laid him there. "His father was dead," said the commanding officer; "dead and naked, scalped, mutilated, full of arrows and rifle balls. The house and barns were burned." "Any women?" "Two gone."

She strove piteously to endure his gaze, flinched, strove to push him from her again but the slender hands lay limply against him. So they remained, her hands at intervals nervously tightening and relaxing on his shoulders, her tearful breath coming faster, the dark eyes closing, opening, turning from him, toward him, searching, now in his soul, now in her own, her self-command slipping from her.