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The truth is he was so unobjectionable in every way, personally unobtrusive, quite unimportant and uninteresting; really er un-everything, such a a " "Shadow," Cummings suggested. "That's the word shadow I never thought to inquire where he went till he walked out of here this noon with the bank's money crammed in that suitcase." "Was the Saturday suitcase a regular thing?"

Cummings theology; "Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri" law; "The Complete Horse-Doctor" medicine; "The Toilers of the Sea," by Victor Hugo romance; "The works of William Shakspeare" poetry. I shall never cease to admire the tact and the intelligence of that gifted porter.

Cummings has an idea of, as Skeet would say, 'rushing' me; but when we're alone together, about all he talks of is Worth." "Bad sign," Worth flung over a shoulder that he pushed a little in advance of us. "Takes the old fellows that way. Their notion of falling for a girl is to fight all the other Johnnies in sight. Guess you've got him going, Bobs." I walked along, chewing over the matter.

Cummings said: "You are mild in your description of him; I think he has acted like a cad." The words were scarcely out of his mouth when the door opened, and Gowing, putting in his head, said: "May I come in?" I said: "Certainly." Carrie said very pointedly: "Well, you ARE a stranger." Gowing said: "Yes, I've been on and off to Croydon during the last fortnight."

"You arrested Eddie Hughes!" It was a cry from Barbara. The cold little hand was jerked from mine. Twisting around in her chair, she stared at me with a look that made me cold. "Then you've moved those two steel bolts for Cummings." I jumped to my feet. On the instant the door opened, and in it stood Worth, steady enough, but his brown tanned face was strangely bleached.

As the eyes of the Cummings organization saw these things, the word went back across the water to Saint Louis, and Peter McDougall took credit to himself for a commendable shrewdness. But the ever-watchful eyes had no instructions to report on the tool missionary's other activities, and therefore no report was made.

Eastman. They had been so sold, and then, in April, 1861, they had been bought again for the government by the indefatigable Cummings for 3l. each. Then they were again sold as useless for 14s. each to Eastman, and instantly rebought on behalf of the government for 4l. 8s. each!

"Don't put your trust in redskins," retorted Cummings, crossly. Whereupon he tramped away. "Waste of breath nothing else," he declared to his wife. "I'm clean put out with the old fellow. He's daft on going. Now, why doesn't he stay here, instead of sticking his throat to the knife? There's plenty to do. But, no. Off he must rush on a wild-goose chase. Well, he'll have one, mark that!

"Oh, Aunt!" cried Alexia, throwing her arms around her, "you haven't been struck, have you? Oh, do say you haven't." "Why, of course not; don't you see I'm here?" said Miss Rhys. "There, child, take care, you're mussing my lace collar," and she edged off from the nervous fingers. "We'll go downstairs, I think, and stay with Mrs. Cummings."

I had forgotten them for a minute or two, closing my desk, finding my coat, when I heard some one come into the outer office, a visitor, for little Pete's voice went up to a shrill yap with the information that I was busy. Then the knob turned, the door opened, and there stood Cummings. At first he saw only me at the desk. "Your friend calling for you again, Bobs by appointment?"