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It will be a marchandize right good, and the Sauages there yet can not tanne Lether after our kinde, yet excellently after their owne manner. Or if the soyle shall yeeld Figges, Almonds, Sugar Canes, Quinces, Orenges, Lemonds, Potatoes, &c. there may arise some trade and traffique by Figs, Almonds, Sugar, Marmelade, Sucket, &c.

All the good boots and shoes we have is young calf lether, that is all I will say about young calf lether. All the boots shoes and every thing else we have made of lether is second thing because some poor animal was rob-ed of his coat that we might have boots and many other things. , aged 16. Netely are clean always and handsome to everybody.

'Tis good, darlin'! You'll not mind Mary Flynn callin' you darlin', though y'are postmistress, an' 'll be more than that more than that wan day or Mary Flynn's a fool. Aye, more than that y'll be, darlin', and y're eyes like purty brown topazzes and y're cheeks like roses-shure, is there anny lether for Mary Flynn, darlin'?" she hastily added as she saw the Seigneur standing in the doorway.

"If he spells leather lether, and feather fether, isn't there danger that he'll give us a bad spell of weather? "Besides, Webster is a resurrectionist; he does not allow u to rest quietly in the mould. "And again, because Mr. Worcester inserts an illustration in his text, is that any reason why Mr. Webster's publishers should hitch one on in their appendix? It's what I call a Connect-a-cut trick.

Although I spent but fifty-eight dollars and sixty-five cents on the TROUSEAU that day, I felt uneasy, especialy as, just afterwards, I saw in a window a costume for a woman CHAUFFEUR, belted lether coat and leggings, skirt and lether cap. But luckaly we were packing for the country, and she did not find it.

They first kill the animal then the hide is sent to a tan yard and there it is tan are made lether from, then to a shoemaker's shop where it is made into boots shoes saddles. The finest of gloves is the kid skin glove, that is all I will say about kid skin gloves. Most of the bad boots and shoes we have is horse lether or mule lether, that is all I will say about mule lether and horse lether.

They dyd eate skynnes and pieces of lether which were foulded about certeyne great ropes of the shyps." On March 6, 1521, they reached the Ladrones, and ten days later, the Philippines, even these islands having never before been visited by Europeans. Here the leader was killed in a conflict with the natives. One ship was now abandoned, and another was later captured by the Portuguese.

Put these forward, under cover. Has everything been seen to, so we can start at once?" "Ay, ay, sorr," was the gruff response, in a strong Irish brogue. "Lord knows we've hid toime enough, fer we've bin waitin' here fer yer a wake, er more. It's a month since the lether came." "We have had a slow voyage, Carr. So all I ordered is aboard?"

Carved chairs were owned only by persons of wealth or high standing, and were frequently covered with "redd lether" or "Rusha lether." Sometimes the leather was stamped and different rich fabrics were employed to cover the seats. "Turkey wrought" chairs are frequently mentioned. Velvet "Irish stitch," red cloth, and needlework covers are named. Green appeared to be, however, the favorite color.

They were sometimes made of silk, as appears from The Boke of hawkynge, huntynge, and fysshynge, with all the propertyes and medecynes that are necessarye to be kepte: "Hawkes haue aboute theyr legges gesses made of lether most comonly, some of sylke, which shuld be no lenger but that the knottes of them shulde appere in the myddes of the lefte hande," &c.