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"This er situation won't prevent your calling at the Leslies', I hope." "I'm not so sure," considered Blake. "Leastways you won't see me there till I begin to think I see a way to figure out this dam." Lord James swung a leg over the corner of the desk and proceeded to light a cigarette.

Leslie?" "Yes, ma'am, and I am very much obliged to my father for letting me," said Frank, taking the squire's hand. "Well, but, Frank," continued Mrs. Hazeldean, "I think you heard that the Leslies were very poor." FRANK. "Eh, Mother?" MRS. HAZELDEAN. "And would you run the chance of wounding the pride of a gentleman as well born as yourself by affecting any show of being richer than he is?"

Too bad, isn't it, spoiling our last night. Ah well! it can't be helped." "Is it Admiralty business, Charley?" asked his mother. "Well, not exactly; something about a wreck, I think." "I suppose I had better send on your things to the Leslies in the morning?" "I'll send you a wire. I mayn't go there, after all. Nuisance having to change again, isn't it?"

The Leslies looked upon him with awe. "You don't mean to tell me," said Bertie, "that you are a Bennington! Well, well! This is a small world! We will celebrate the discovery." He walked to the door and touched a bell five times. "Beautiful system," he explained. "In a moment Karl will appear with five beers.

And with whom art thou brawling? unless my eyes spell that token false, it is with the very youth who aided me so gallantly in the skirmish with the Leslies Let me look, fair youth, at the medal which thou wearest in thy cap. By Saint Bennet, it is the same! Henry, I command thee to forbear him, as thou lovest my blessing "

But that which more than all embittered Randal's feelings towards Egerton was the careful and deliberate frankness with which the latter had, more than once, repeated and enforced the odious announcement, that Randal had nothing to expect from the minister's WILL, nothing to expect from that wealth which glared in the hungry eyes of the pauper heir to the Leslies of Rood.

MRS. HAZELDEAN. "But Frank will pass close by the Casino on his way to the Leslies'. It may be more civil if he leaves the note himself." "Do you think so?" MRS. HAZELDEAN. " Yes, certainly. Frank, Frank, as you pass by the Casino, call on Mr. Riccabocca, give this note, and say we shall be heartily glad if he will come." Frank nods. "Stop a bit," cried the squire.

But that which more than all embittered Randal's feelings towards Egerton was the careful and deliberate frankness with which the latter had, more than once, repeated and enforced the odious announcement, that Randal had nothing to expect from the minister's WILL, nothing to expect from that wealth which glared in the hungry eyes of the pauper heir to the Leslies of Rood.

So I hummed the old lilt of the Leslies, whence, they say, comes our name Between the less lea and the mair, He slew the knight and left him there; for I deemed it well to show a good face. Moreover, I had some conceit of myself as a swordsman, and Randal was laughing like a foolbody at my countenance.

One might be down at heels; one might be reduced to sordid means of livelihood, even to shady schemes for enlarging one's income; but once a gentleman always so, and one was not to be ranked with the bounders, the Vyvians, the wealthy Leslies even. Hilary looked resigned and weary.