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The joy of a ransomed soul played across Captain Leezur's features. Keep yer mouth shet, ye know, and ye won't eat no crow that is, 'less somebody 's been playin' some ongodly trick on ye." Captain Leezur never laughed aloud: his smile simply widened and broadened until it became a scintillating sun, without the disgrace of cachinnation.

His health is not strong, never since that fall. There; you have all I know, Captain Leezur." Captain Leezur meditated. The sun saw itself globed in a tear that fell on Captain Leezur's felts. "Moderation in all things, ye know," he added, beaming, not to distress me; "even in passnips." I mused with him in silent sympathy.

Ef ye want to find yerself, ye'd better start on down t' the south eend o' the Basin, 'n' negotiate around to leeward o' Leezur's bresh-heap; that's the d'rection yer ball was a-startin' for, las' time I seen 'er!" "Poo! poo!" said Captain Pharo, drawing a Sunday "parlor" match explosively along his boot-leg; "jest hold on thar, Shamgar. Jest hold on till I git my old chimley here a-goin' ag'in "

This was a joke insatiable between us, always bubbling over, always enough of it left for next rime. At its utterance Captain Leezur's countenance was accustomed to break up entirely, while I laughed with an appreciation that never fainted or palled.

But she came nearer, and I gazed, spellbound; and then she bowed her beautiful head with a tender, laughing smile, and laid her hand on Captain Leezur's shoulder. "Here!" she said. Oh, how he laughed! Robins by the brook, and sun-sparkles. "That 's right, Vesty!" he exclaimed; "that 's right, darlin'. Come and kile yourself areound them 't 's got some feelin's!"

"Dodrabbit ye!" said he; "you sly young dog, you!" "That's what I tell him!" rippled the deep-gurgling brook of Captain Leezur's voice; "we're jest like nateral twin-brothers. Only," he added tenderly and gravely, "he ain't nigh so ongodly as I use' ter be." "Ongodly!

Heave 'er eout. I knowed 't you'd fetch 'er, mother. Did I ever tell ye," said Captain Leezur to me, "heow sly I was when I went a-courtin'?" "No," said I. Mother Leezur's face was modest, yet all beautifully alight.

"Leezur's my name; and neow I'll tell ye how ye can all'as remember it; it's jest like all them great discoveries, it's dreadful easy when it's once been thought on. Leezur leezure see? Leezure means takin' things moderate, ye know, kind o' settin' areound in the shank o' the evenin' Leezur lee-zure see!" Oh, how he beamed! The systems of Newton and Copernicus seemed dwarfed in comparison.

I dwelt upon it fondly, without that pang of hope which most men must endure, and smiled to think of Captain Leezur's dismay if he should know how Vesty had already coiled herself around my heart-strings!

Captain Pharo and Uncle Coffin nudged each other in voiceless agony. I felt, but could not see, the calm irradiance of Captain Leezur's look. "Then another singalar thing begun to be noticed. All them 't drunk the milk from her was took an' possessed to jine the church!