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She gathered her skirt in her hand and crossed the pathway to the edge of the grass. "You can't do that," exclaimed Dick and he was at her side. He stooped and felt the turf. "Even the lawn's drenched. Crossing the meadow you'll be ankle-deep in dew. You must promise never to go home across the meadow when you dine with us."

"It's shining through something," said Lorry. "It must be dust." Fong put the chair beside Aunt Ellen's, pressing it into steadiness on the lawn's yielding turf. "Maybe smoke," he answered. "After earthquake always fire." Aunt Ellen gave forth a despairing groan. "Anything more!" "Don't be afraid," Lorry comforted. "We've the best department in the country.

Did you not ask me to sit in judgment upon this matter? And unless you confess to me, how am I to absolve you?" "I did not crave your absolution. You take too much upon yourself." "So said Lord Rotherby. You seem to have something in common when all is said." She bit her lip in chagrin. They paced in silence to the lawn's end, and turned again. Then: "You treat me like a fool," she reproved him.

But sinuous lines proved as disappointing in the alleys as they were satisfying out on the lawn, and by and by I saw that whereas the bendings of the open lawn's borders lured and rewarded the eye, the same curves in the alleys obstructed and baffled it. The show of floral charms was piecemeal, momentary and therefore trivial. "Don't" be trivial! 'Come and see, says the roaming line."

Bailey, of Newport, Mr. Worden, of Lawn's Creek, and a few kindred spirits. Certainly Mr. Eliot was not like these; so erect, indeed, did he hold himself in the strait and narrow path that his most admiring brethren, being, as became good Virginians, somewhat easy-going in their saintliness, were inclined to think that he leaned too far the other way.

It may be by hearty choice that we abide where we must forego outdoor roses in Christmas week and broad-leaved evergreens blooming at New Year's, Twelfth-night or Carnival. Well and good! But we can have even in mid-January, and ought to allow ourselves, the lawn-garden's surviving form and tranced life rather than the shrubless lawn's unmarked grave flattened beneath the void of the snow.

As for Selwyn, he remained where he had been standing on the lawn's velvet edge; and, raising her eyes again, her heart misgave her that she had wantonly strained a friendship which had been all but perfect; and now he was moving across the path toward her a curious look in his face which she could not interpret.

Then rockets began to rush aloft, starring the black void with iridescent fire; and everybody went to the lawn's edge where, below on the bay, a dozen motor-boats, dressed fore and aft with necklaces of electric lights, crossed the line at the crack of a cannon in a race for another trophy.

From its turtle hung the blade of a scythe and on the nervously hinged door had been hopefully lettered Arcangelo Barelli, Plowing & Grading. While the coupe was trembling for some seconds before quieting down, I sighed a double relief, at Miss Francis' forgetfulness of the money due her and the soothing of my fears for the lawn's eating its way downward to China or India.

We folks of Sihasset don't like that; it shuts off the view of the house and lawn. Lawn's what makes things purty. He wuz a queer old mug wanted to shut hisself up." "But how did she get out?" insisted the agent, coming back to the issue. "Search me," offered the constable. He looked toward the top of the wall. "Clumb the fence, mebbe." "With her dress looking as it does?" "There's no other way.