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'Monseigneur! said a very handsome French cavalry officer who was in attendance. 'Ayez la bonte d'aligner ces montagnards la, ainsi que la cavalerie, s'il vous plait, et de les remettre a la marche. Vous parlez si bien l'Anglois, cela ne vous donneroit pas beaucoup de peine.

For my part, I took the observation as it was meant, and it did not put me out of conceit with myself or the picture that Madame M liked it as well as Monsieur l'Anglois. Certainly, there could be no harm in that.

Payne. The presence of Gilbert upon the Continent, probably as a teacher of reputation, seems, however, quite probable. Littre has even unearthed the fact that during the 14th century a street in Paris near the medical schools, bore the name of the Rue Gilbert l'Anglois.

"Apparemment c'est un pauvre miserable, qui a fait naufrage," observed the old negro, who appeared to have the charge of the vessel; "Gustave Adolphe, tu parles bien l'Anglois; demandez-lui les nouvelles," continued the old man, folding his arms across, and looking very big indeed, as he reclined against the mainmast of the vessel. Gustave Adolphe stood forward from the rest of the negroes.

'Monseigneur! said a very handsome French cavalry officer, who was in attendance. 'Ayez la bonte d'alligner ces montagnards la, ainsi que la cavalerie, s'il vous plait, et de les remettre a la marche. Vous parlez si bien l'Anglois, cela ne vous donneroit pas beaucoup de peine.

But just as he gave the order for his boatmen to push off, a French voice called out "Monsieur! Monsieur l'Anglois! one moment." Mr. Percy looked back and saw, as the moon shone full upon the wreck, a figure standing at the poop, leaning over with out-stretched arms. "I am Monsieur de Tourville, monsieur a charge d'affaires with papers of the greatest importance despatches."

Monsieur l'Anglois, said the Count, gaily; you are not come to spy the nakedness of the land; I believe you; ni encore, I dare say, THAT of our women! But permit me to conjecture, if, par hazard, they fell into your way, that the prospect would not affect you.

'Monseigneur! said a very handsome French cavalry officer who was in attendance. 'Ayez la bonte d'aligner ces montagnards la, ainsi que la cavalerie, s'il vous plait, et de les remettre a la marche. Vous parlez si bien l'Anglois, cela ne vous donneroit pas beaucoup de peine.

'Monseigneur! said a very handsome French cavalry officer who was in attendance. 'Ayez la bonte d'aligner ces montagnards la, ainsi que la cavalerie, s'il vous plait, et de les remettre a la marche. Vous parlez si bien l'Anglois, cela ne vous donneroit pas beaucoup de peine.

The actress shrugged her shoulders, said something about "la belle nature," and the good taste of Monsieur l'Anglois. The moment the curtain drew up, she told him the names of all the actors and actresses as they appeared noting the value and celebrity of each. The play was, unfortunately for Ormond, a tragedy; and Le Kain was at Versailles.