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"The worst of all the things that haunt poor mortal man," said I; "and that is, in all its nakedness Fear that will not have light nor sound, that will not bear with reason, that deafens and darkens and overwhelms. It followed me through the corridor, it fought against me in the room " I stopped abruptly. There was an interval of silence. My hand went up to my bandages.

Robbed of clothing, of money, of the soldier's best friend, his sheltering blanket, herded in shivering nakedness on the bare ground, deprived of every implement by which men of energy and spirit had soon bettered their lot, forbidden to cut in adjacent forests branches for shelter, or fuel to cook their coarse food, fed on a pint of corn-and-cob-meal per day, with some slight addition of molasses or rancid meat, denied all mental resources, all letters from home, all writing to friends, these men were cut off from the land of the living while yet they lived, they were made to dwell in darkness as those that have been long dead.

There was lying on the bank a great beam of wood; the saint pushed it without the least difficulty into the water, and placing himself upon it, was carried in an instant to the other side, where the stones which were thrown could no longer reach him. For what remains, he endured in this barren and inhospitable country all the miseries imaginable, of hunger, thirst, and nakedness.

'Berta, why did we come down here? said Picotee. 'To see the nakedness of the land. It was a whim only, and as it will end in nothing, it is not worth while for me to make further explanation. It was with a curious sense of renunciation that Ethelberta went homeward. Neigh was handsome, grim-natured, rather wicked, and an indifferentist; and these attractions interested her as a woman.

His walk brought him to a broad stream, which flashed through the wood like a line of light. He paused on a suspension bridge, and leaning over the railing, gazed up the river into the distance, at the horizon and its trees, delicate and feathery in their nakedness against the sky.

And what is Art whereto we press Through paint and prose and rhyme When Nature in her nakedness Defeats us every time? 'Hi! Hi! Hold your horses! Stop!... Well! Well! A lean man in a sable-lined overcoat leaped from a private car and barred my way up Pall Mall. 'You don't know me? You're excusable. I wasn't wearing much of anything last time we met in South Africa.

It is that same Poet who has already told us, confidentially, under cover of King Hal's mantle, that 'the king himself is but a man' and that 'all his senses have but human conditions and that his affections, too, though higher mounted when they stoop, stoop with the like wing; that his ceremonies laid by, in his nakedness he appears but a man'; it is that same Poet, and, in carrying out the purpose of this play, it has come in his way now to make good that statement.

Hence note, how beastly a sin drunkenness is; it bereaveth a man of consideration, and civil behaviour; it makes him as brutish and shameless as a beast; yea, it discovereth his nakedness to all that behold. "And he was uncovered."

Africa, once more seen under such unexpected circumstances, roused his blood as he peered at the crude intensity of it, the splendid blaze of its seared nakedness under the blood-red sun-ball now dropping to rest. All at once his glass stopped its sweep. "Smoke, my Captain!" he exclaimed. "See, it curls aloft like a lady's ringlet. And beyond the wady " "Ah, you see them, too?"

The fact that familiarity with nakedness was favorable, rather than opposed, to the chastity to which it attached so much importance, the Church though indeed at one moment it accepted nakedness in the rite of baptism was for the most part unable to see if it was indeed a fact which the special conditions of decadent classic life had tended to disguise.