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Kostya stared at Nastya and listened, pondering profoundly. “Nastya, how silly you are!” he said at last, firmly and calmly. “How can Katerina have a baby when she isn’t married?” Nastya was exasperated. “You know nothing about it,” she snapped irritably. “Perhaps she has a husband, only he is in prison, so now she’s got a baby.”

"You never thought I was to be your sister?" "You would not have recognized me?" he said, with a radiant smile at her entrance. "Yes, I should. What a good thing you let us know! Not a day has passed that Kostya has not mentioned you, and been anxious." But the sick man's interest did not last long.

She stood between Nadyezhda Fyodorovna and Katya as though to screen her daughter from the water that washed the former. Through the open doors looking out to the sea they could see some one swimming a hundred paces from their bathing-place. "Mother, it's our Kostya," said Katya. "Ach, ach!" Marya Konstantinovna cackled in her dismay. "Ach, Kostya!" she shouted, "Come back! Kostya, come back!"

'Oh, dear, really, brothers, replied Kostya, opening wide his eyes, which were round enough before, 'I did not know they had drowned Akim in that pit. Shouldn't I have been frightened if I'd known! 'But they say there are little, tiny frogs, continued Pavel, 'who cry piteously like that. 'Frogs? Oh, no, it was not frogs, certainly not.

Countless golden stars, twinkling in rivalry, seemed all running softly towards the Milky Way, and truly, looking at them, you were almost conscious of the whirling, never resting motion of the earth.... A strange, harsh, painful cry, sounded twice together over the river, and a few moments later, was repeated farther down.... Kostya shuddered. 'What was that?

The theatrical season was over, the warm days had come. There was a long spell of glorious weather. One morning the Laptevs attended the district court to hear Kostya, who had been appointed by the court to defend some one. They were late in starting, and reached the court after the examination of the witnesses had begun. A soldier in the reserve was accused of theft and housebreaking.

She seemed struggling between regret at waking him, and the desire to talk to him. "Kostya, don't be frightened. It's all right. But I fancy.... We ought to send for Lizaveta Petrovna." The candle was lighted again. She was sitting up in bed, holding some knitting, which she had been busy upon during the last few days. "Please, don't be frightened, it's all right.

It was clear that Pavel's words had produced a strong impression on them. They began to lie down before the fire as though preparing to go to sleep. 'What is that? asked Kostya, suddenly lifting his head. Pavel listened. 'It's the curlews flying and whistling. 'Where are they flying to? 'To a land where, they say, there is no winter. 'But is there such a land? 'Yes. 'Is it far away?

That must be from the deacon or Kostya. Nadyezhda Fyodorovna imagined how, parting from Laevsky, she would embrace him warmly, would kiss his hand, and would swear to love him all her life, all her life, and then, living in obscurity among strangers, she would every day think that somewhere she had a friend, some one she loved a pure, noble, lofty man who kept a pure memory of her.

"Kish, do be quick over it," Yulia Sergeyevna could not resist saying; "it's really agonizing!" "Shut up, Kish!" Kostya shouted to him. They all laughed, and Kish with them. Fyodor came in. Flushing red in patches, he greeted them all in a nervous flurry, and led his brother away into the study. Of late he had taken to avoiding the company of more than one person at once.