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You know how I thought about Vrouw Van der Kloot's cakes. But I can't think how I can mind twice at one time." "I don't suppose you can," said Kat. "But anyway, I'm sorry about my dress." Just then Vrouw Vedder called them to come and eat their breakfast. Father and Mother Vedder sat down at the little round table and bowed their heads. Kit and Kat stood up.

Suppose Shakespeare had turned up and complained of you. 'Shakespeare would have been only too grateful. 'Hush! The boss is going on. From the opposite wing Hamlet was indeed advancing. Pinchas made a wild plunge forward, but Kloot's grasp on his collar was still carefully firm. 'Who's mutilating the poesy now? Kloot frowned angrily from under his peaked cap. 'You'll spoil the scene.

But the Twins couldn't find anything they wanted that cost exactly two cents. At last, what should they see but Vrouw Van der Kloot's fat face smiling at them from a stall just full of cakes and cookies and bread, and chocolate, and honey cakes, and goodies of all kinds. The Twins held up their money. There on the counter was a whole row of St.

'But Goldwater awaits me, the poet protested. 'I guess not. Mr. Kloot's orders. Can't have authors monkeying around here. As he spoke Goldwater's voice rose from the neighbouring stage in an operatic melody, and reduced Pinchas's brain to chaos. A despairing sense of strange plots and treasons swept over him. He ran back to the lobby. The doors had been bolted.

'Peace, liar! You promised me your wife for Ophelia! Kloot's frown relaxed into a smile. 'Sure! The first wife I get you shall have. Pinchas gnashed his teeth. Goldwater's voice rose in a joyous roulade. 'I think you owe me a car-fare, said Kloot soothingly. Pinchas waved the rejoinder aside with his cane. 'Why does Hamlet sing? he demanded fiercely. 'Because it's Passover, said Kloot.

"Is that ten?" Then Vrouw Van der Kloot counted them with Kat, very carefully. There were eleven, and so she gave back one. Then she gave Kat the money for the onions, and Kit the money for the cabbage. Father Vedder said, "Now Kit and Kat, by and by, when you get hungry again, you can go over to Vrouw Van der Kloot's stall and buy something from her. She keeps the sweetie shop." "Oh!

What! here was that ape of a Goldwater positively wallowing in admiration, while he, the mighty poet, had been cast into outer darkness and his work mocked and crucified! He put forth all his might, like Samson amid the Philistines, and leaving his coat-collar in Kloot's hand, he plunged into the circle of light. Goldwater's amazed face turned to meet him.

'I told you I would let you know when rehearsals began. 'But you forgot to take my address. 'As if I don't know where to find you! Kloot grinned. 'Pinchas gets drinks from all the café, he put in. 'They drink to the health of "Hamlet," said Pinchas proudly. 'All right; Kloot's gotten your address. Good-evening. 'But when will it be? I must know. 'We can't fix it to a day.

'How can we rehearse without you? You shouldn't have worried the boss. We'll call you, even if it's the middle of the night. The poet jumped at Kloot's hand and kissed it. 'Protector of poets! he cried ecstatically. 'And you will see that they do not mutilate my play; you will not suffer a single hair of my poesy to be harmed? 'Not a hair shall be cut, said Kloot solemnly.