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Salt, according to the sultan, is only to be found here in the same efflorescent state in which I saw it yesterday a thin coating overspreading the ground, as though flour had been sprinkled there. 21st. Halt. I gave the sultan, as a return present, one dhoti merikani and six cubits kiniki, what I thought to be just the value of his bullock.

I started early in the morning, unfortified within, and escorted by two Beluches, the Kirangozi, three porters, Bombay, and Mabruki. The necessary presents were also taken: these consisted of one barsati, one dhoti merikani, and one shukka kiniki. This last article was to be kept in reserve, to throw in at last and close with, as further demands beyond what is given are invariably made.

At last, after thousands of difficulties much like those I encountered in Uzaramo, the hongo was settled by a payment of one kisutu, one dubani, four yards bendera, four yards kiniki, and three yards merikani.

As I had paid all the other sultans the compliment of a visit, he should consider it a slight if I did not stay a little while with him. On the occasion of my passing northwards he had been absent, and could not entertain me; so I must now accept a bullock, which he would send for on the morrow. A long debate ensued, which ended by my giving him one shukka merikani and one dhoti kiniki. 13th.

Feeling much freer, we now went over and put up in Pong's palace, for we had to halt there a day to collect more porters, as half my men had just bolted. This was by no means an easy job, for all my American sheeting was out, and so was the kiniki. Pongo then for the first time showed himself, sneaking about with an escort, hiding his head in a cloth lest our "evil eyes" might bewitch him.

Value. 10 Beluches' wages, 150 shukkas, or 4 cubits apiece merikani, 100 dols. 10 Beluches' rations, given in advance, 30 lb. white beads, 5 15 Pagazis' wages, 75 shukkas merikani, 50 26 Men, including self, rations, 60 lb. white beads, 10 2 Pagazis, extra wages, 7 shukkas of merikani and kiniki mixed, 5 6 Sultans' hongos or presents, 22 shukkas of merikani and kiniki, mixed, 16 6 Do. Do.

Chikumbi's stockade is 1-1/2 hour S.E. of our camp at Kizinga. 2nd July, 1868. Writing to the Consul at Zanzibar to send supplies of cloth to Ujiji 120 pieces, 40 Kiniki; 80 merikano 34 inches broad, or samsam. Fine red beads Talaka, 12 frasilas. 3rd July, 1868.

I gave in return for his present one barsati, five dhotis merikani and two dhotis kiniki, with a promise of some gunpowder when we arrived at Unyanyembe, for he was still bent on going there with me.

As no further information about the lake could be gained, I bade Mahaya and the Sheikh adieu, leaving as a token of recollection one shukka merikani for the former, one dhoti kiniki for his wife, and a fundo of beads for the poor Arab, and retraced my steps by a double march back to Ukumbi. Whilst passing alongside the archipelago, I shot two geese and a crested crane.

This morning, however, we settled the difference, in the most amicable manner, thus: previous to my departure for Observatory Hill, I sent the Jemadar, the Kirangozi, and a large deputation of the Beluches and pagazis, to explain away the reason of my having left his house so rudely, and to tender apologies, which were accompanied, as an earnest of good-will, with a large hongo, consisting of one barsati, one dhoti merikani, and one gora kiniki, as also an intimation that I would pay him a visit the next day.