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Thus our hopes, excited somewhat by the positive and repeated assurances that the river flowed out away towards Karagwah, collapsed as speedily as they were raised. We paid Mukamba the honga, consisting of nine doti and nine fundo of samsam, lunghio, muzurio n'zige. The printed handkerchiefs, which I had in abundance at Unyanyembe, would have gone well here.

Chikumbi's stockade is 1-1/2 hour S.E. of our camp at Kizinga. 2nd July, 1868. Writing to the Consul at Zanzibar to send supplies of cloth to Ujiji 120 pieces, 40 Kiniki; 80 merikano 34 inches broad, or samsam. Fine red beads Talaka, 12 frasilas. 3rd July, 1868.

So Samsam ran at Gharib who awaited him with broadened breast and heart enheartened, and they smote each at other with maces, till the two hosts marvelled and every eye was fixed on them.

Answered Mohammed Samsam, "I know not how to tell thee these troubles, for they have agreed to depose thee from the Shaykh ship of the market and to recite the Fatihah to thee no more." Asked Shams al-Din, "What may be their reason?"; and asked the Deputy, "What boy is this that sitteth by thy side and thou a man of years and chief of the merchants? Is this lad a Mameluke or akin to thy wife?

When the Infidels saw his form of fight and his smashing blows they hung back and forebore to fare forth to him, whereupon Samsam looked at them and said, "Allah never bless you! I will go forth to him."

Our admiration of him was reciprocated; and, in return for our two doti of cloth and a fundo of samsam, he gave a fine fat and broad-tailed sheep, and a pot of milk. In our condition both were extremely acceptable.

Then Gharib numbered his tribesmen and found that five of the Banu Kahtan had fallen and three-and- seventy of the Persians; but of the Banu Hattal they had slain more than five hundred horse. As for Samsam, he alighted and sought nor meat nor sleep, but said, "In all my life I never saw such a fighter as this youth!

"I hear and obey," replied he and crave his charger, till he came under the cloud of dust, where he saw folk and enquired of them. Quoth one of them, "We are of the Banu Hattal and are questing for plunder; our Emir is Samsam bin Al- Jirah and we are five thousand horse."