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"I have only brought you the keys, and wish to know what preserve you and Mr. Allan might favor for tea." But here I caught hold, not of the key-basket, but of the hard, work-worn hand that held it. "Oh, Deborah! do be good to us!"

She was fond of children, and since the little visitors had been there, she had often gone in with her knitting to talk and play with them. After they had heard the letter, they were dismissed by Mrs. MacLain, who had her key-basket on her arm, and was very busy with her housekeeping.

As soon as the door was closed Mrs. Ingham-Baker was on her feet. She crossed the room to where her hostess's key-basket and other belongings stood upon a table near the window. She stood looking eagerly at these without touching them. She even stooped down to examine the address of an envelope. "Mr. Pawson!" she said, in a breathless whisper. "Mr. Pawson what does that mean?

"You remember, of course, that it was her key-basket?" said Miss Waddington, with a smile that made M'Gabbery clench his walking-stick in his hand. "Perfectly; because she always kept her halfpence there also. Well, there was a nursery-girl who used to be about me in those days.

"You don't mean to tell me you remember that?" said M'Gabbery. "Perfectly, as you do the picture-book. Well, there I was lying, Miss Baker, with my little eyes wide open. It is astonishing how much babies see, though people never calculate on their having eyes at all. I was lying on my back, staring at the mantelpiece, on which my mother had left her key-basket."

She rose now and bade him good-bye, and then she glanced at the open Bible on the counterpane and decided once more that young people were inexplicable, and she clung to her key-basket with a feeling of security, and, holding it carefully in her hand, went downstairs again. Jane, meanwhile, had walked over to Bowshott to see Mrs.

I shall only have just time to catch the train by walking very fast. Good-bye. 'Please, mam, any orders to-day for the butcher? 'Always the same question how tired I am of hearing the same words. I suppose it is very wicked of me to be so discontented, thought Mildred, as she sat on the sofa with her key-basket in her hand; 'but I have got so tired of Sutton.

Advice given on the subject of all dealings with Carfax, the adviser rose to take his leave. Mrs. Selden removed her spectacles and laid them in her key-basket. It was a sign with her that she was about to speak her mind. "Lewis," she said, "I was a good friend to you once." "Do I not know that?" he answered. "The best friend a poor boy ever had."

The moment I get back to London, I'll set inquiries on foot and find out his address, and when I have seen him I'll write. Good-bye. Then, resolving that it were better to leave the girl to herself, Julia took up her key-basket and hurried away on household business. But in the middle of her many occupations she would now and then stop short to think.

If you buy a really good cashmere, and trim it with my old miniver, Dot will have a grand pelisse," and then Mrs. Broderick hunted in her key-basket for a certain key, and instructed her niece to unlock a drawer in her wardrobe. It was growing late by this time, and Olivia was obliged to take her leave.